Mar 03, 2025
2018-2019 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Medical Technology, B.S.
Bachelor of Science
Curriculum 0722 Requirements
General Education Requirements 33-34 Credits
Up to 14 credits of prerequisite coursework may be required to satisfy GE and will count as elective credit. Major Departmental Requirements 33-35 Credits
Cognate Requirements 32-40 Credits
Mathematics Prerequisite/Placement (0-6 cr.)
ASCP Clinical Requirements: (30 cr.)
Fourth-year clinical training at affiliated or approved medical center. Placement into clinical training is competitive Electives 0 Credits
Certain major/cognate courses may also satisfy GE requirements thus increase elective credits accordingly. Total Credits minimum 120
*BIO 101 and BIO 102 may be taken in order (i.e., BIO 101 is not the prerequisite for BIO 102 ) and satisfy departmental major requirements. **BIO 490 (12 cr.) satisfies the Cell Biology (BIO 401 , 4 cr.) the Advanced Writing Requirement (BIO 380 , 3 cr.), Oral Expression (General Education Skills, 0 cr.) and five biology elective credits. ***BIO 326 -BIO 327 may be used to satisfy BIO 421 and four credits of electives (both courses must be taken). ****Students completing the clinical training in medical technology are exempt from the Integration component of the General Education program. *****BIO 333 if used to satisfy the cognate requirement cannot also count towards a Major Departmental Requirements. |