Mar 11, 2025
2024-2025 University Catalog
Environmental Science, B.A.
Return to: Undergraduate and Graduate Degree Programs, Minors and Certificates
Curriculum 0363
You will become broadly versed in the ecological, physical and human aspects of environmental science. The major emphasizes a scientific approach to the study of the environment. For more information contact the Center for Earth and Environmental Science . For help with schedule planning refer to the 4-Year Degree Map .
Major Departmental Requirements 43-50 Credits
Natural Sciences: (9-12 cr.)
Select one course from each of the following categories: (Courses used to satisfy the core cannot also be used to satisfy this category.) Environment and Society: (9 cr.)
Select one course from each of the following: Governance, Policy & Planning
Sustainability, Justice and Ethics
Environment & Society Electives
Electives: (9-12 cr.)
Any courses from the Natural Sciences or Environment and Society sections of this major, or any 300/400 level ENV courses including internships, senior projects or independent study or any of the following: Cognate Requirements: 28-38 Credits
Mathematics Prerequisite/Placement (0-6 cr.)
Return to: Undergraduate and Graduate Degree Programs, Minors and Certificates