Feb 19, 2025  
2024-2025 University Catalog 
2024-2025 University Catalog

Academic Policies, Standards, and Information

This section of the University Catalog covers academic policies. For a listing of administrative (non-academic) policies see the Campus Handbook.

Absence due to Religious Beliefs

The Education Law of the State of New York requires the university to publish the following section of the law, verbatim, as adopted, in this catalog.

224 - A. Student unable because of religious beliefs to register or attend classes on certain days.

  1. No person shall be expelled from or be refused admission as a student to an institution of higher education for the reason that he or she is unable, because of his or her religious beliefs, to register or attend classes or to participate in any examination, study or work requirements on a particular day or days.
  2. Any student in an institution of higher education who is unable, because of his or her religious beliefs, to attend classes on a particular day or days shall, because of such absence on the particular day or days, be excused from any examination or any study or work requirements.
  3. It shall be the responsibility of the faculty and of the administrative officials of each institution of higher education to make available to each student who is absent from school, because of his or her religious beliefs, an equivalent opportunity to register for classes or make up any examination, study or work requirements which he or she may have missed because of such absence on any particular day or days. No fees of any kind shall be charged by the institution for making available to the said student such equivalent opportunity.
  4. If registration, classes, examinations, study or work requirements are held on Friday after 4 p.m. or on Saturday, similar or makeup classes, examinations, study or work requirements or opportunity to register shall be made available on other days, where it is possible and practicable to do so. No special fees shall be charged to the student for these classes, examinations, study or work requirements or registration held on other days.
  5. In effectuating the provisions of this section, it shall be the duty of the faculty and of the administrative officials of each institution of higher education to exercise the fullest measure of good faith. No adverse or prejudicial effects shall result to any student because of his or her availing himself or herself of the provisions of this section.
  6. Any student who is aggrieved by the alleged failure of any faculty or administrative officials to comply in good faith with the provisions of this section, shall be entitled to maintain an action or proceeding in the supreme court of the county in which such institution of higher education is located for the enforcement of his or her rights under this section.
    1. It shall be the responsibility of the administrative officials of each institution of higher education to give written notice to students of their rights under this section, informing them that each student who is absent from school, because of his or her religious beliefs, must be given an equivalent opportunity to register for classes or make up any examination, study or work requirements which he or she may have missed because of such absence on any particular day or days. No fees of any kind shall be charged by the institution for making available to such student such equivalent opportunity.
  7. As used in this section, the term “institution of higher education” shall mean any institution of higher education, recognized and approved by the Regents of the University of the State of New York, which provides a course of study leading to the granting of a post-secondary degree or diploma. Such term shall not include any institution which is operated, supervised or controlled by a church or by a religious or denominational organization whose educational programs are principally designed for the purpose of training ministers or other religious functionaries or for the purpose of propagating religious doctrines. As used in this section, the term “religious belief” shall mean beliefs associated with any corporation organized and operated exclusively for religious purposes, which is not disqualified for tax exemption under section 501 of the United States Code.

Academic Honesty Policy and Honor Code

Academic honesty is essential to the intellectual health of the university and the ideals of education. SUNY Plattsburgh expects students to be honest and to conduct themselves with integrity in all aspects of their relationship with the university (e.g., application, transfer evaluation, academic progress review, and credit and non-credit bearing experiences, including regular course work, independent studies, internships, practica, student teaching, and interactions with faculty, staff, and students). Academic dishonesty adversely affects the educational function of the university and undermines the integrity of its programs. Dishonest conduct includes, but is not limited to:

  • cheating
  • plagiarism
  • unauthorized collaboration
  • unauthorized use and/or sharing of physical or electronic copies of tests, quizzes, assignments, or any other course materials
  • forgery
  • alteration of records
  • misrepresenting the originality of work
  • lying, deceit, bribery, coercion, or intimidation for the purpose of influencing a grade or for any other academic gain.

Submitting one’s work originally completed for a different class is also dishonest unless the current instructor has agreed in advance to accept such resubmission or reuse of academic work.

Action against a student determined to have violated the academic honesty policy can range from a reduction of the grade on an assignment, through failure of a course, to suspension or even dismissal from the academic program, the department, or the university.  A student who is charged with academic dishonesty will be afforded due process through the University Judicial System (See Procedures for Addressing Suspected Academic Dishonesty)

The Academic Honor Code states:

  • All members of the SUNY Plattsburgh community affirm our belief in honesty, trust, and respect for others. Therefore, we affirm our support for academic honesty in our personal conduct and in our responsibility toward this institution.

Academic Progress Standards

Students are expected to make satisfactory progress toward the completion of a degree in order to remain in good academic standing. For this purpose, good academic standing shall mean that a matriculated student is eligible for, or has been allowed to register for and undertake, academic course work for the semester in question. Students in good standing may also be on academic probation.

Undergraduate students whose cumulative grade point average falls below 2.0 are subject to academic dismissal from the university. Based on review of their academic record and submission of an appeal, they may be allowed to continue at SUNY Plattsburgh on academic probation, or they may be academically dismissed. Academically dismissed students may not undertake SUNY Plattsburgh coursework in the semester (fall/spring) immediately following dismissal.

Exception due to non-matriculated enrollment in summer/winter session: Dismissed students who are enrolled in SUNY Plattsburgh’s summer or winter session(s) (as non-matriculated students) and who raise their cumulative GPAs to at least 2.0 may ask for special permission to continue as non-matriculated part-time (≤ 11 credits) students for the forthcoming fall or spring semester. At the conclusion of that full semester, such students may apply for readmission if their cumulative GPA remains at least 2.0 (See Admissions for Readmission Procedures following Academic Dismissal). After one semester’s dismissal, students may apply for readmission for any subsequent semester, or they may take courses as a non-matriculated student (whereby the grades count toward the Plattsburgh GPA).

Students are also reviewed each semester in order to determine their eligibility to be funded by certain financial aid programs. (See the Financial Aid  section of this catalog.) Eligibility for financial aid funding does not guarantee that a student who fails to meet academic progress standards will be allowed to continue to attend the university.

For additional detailed information about our undergraduate academic progress standards and academic probation, please refer to our website at https://www.plattsburgh.edu/academics/resources/advising/progress-review.html.

For information on academic progress standards for graduate students see the Graduate Study Information  section of this catalog.

Advanced Writing Requirement

Each student must successfully complete an Advanced Writing Requirement (AWR) course in their major department. (This is in addition to the General Education Written Expression/English Composition requirement). Only courses that have been approved by the university for AWR will satisfy this requirement. Each major program contains one or more AWR courses. The AWR course is an integral part of the major and will satisfy the major course requirement and the AWR requirement simultaneously. The learning objectives of AWR courses are:

  1. Students will demonstrate the ability to synthesize ideas in writing.
  2. Students will be able to articulate clearly in writing concepts relevant to a particular discipline.
  3. Students will be able to use writing to communicate ideas to someone outside of that particular discipline.
  4. Students will demonstrate in their writing mastery of the basic rules of English or the language of instruction.


All departments and units of the university, academic and non-academic, will undertake annual assessment of their programs. Plans for undertaking assessment and the results of assessment activities will be reviewed periodically by the dean and/or vice president responsible for each unit and reported to the Faculty Senate and Executive Council.

To determine the success of academic and co-curricular programs, students are expected to participate in university and departmental assessment activities, such as interviews, surveys, portfolios, and tests of skills and knowledge. The information obtained from these assessments will be used to improve curricula, teaching, and co-curricular programs; individual students’ results will be kept in strictest confidence. Information may be obtained from chairpersons or the provost/vice president for academic affairs.

Auditing Courses

Students may audit courses on a space available basis if they have the permission of course instructors. Students who audit shall attend courses without working for or expecting to receive a grade or formal credit. Students who wish to audit a course are required to complete the SUNY Plattsburgh Informal Course Audit Registration Form and must pay any applicable fees.

B.A. versus B.S. Degrees

Some major programs offer students the choice of pursuing a B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) or B.S. (Bachelor of Science) while other major programs specify which degree will be awarded. The B.A. and B.S. degrees offer the same academic credential with different numbers of liberal arts courses required for graduation.

The B.A. degree is the primary liberal arts degree. In order to be awarded the B.A. students must complete a minimum of 90 credits of courses that are designated as liberal arts (see course descriptions for liberal arts designations). The liberal arts and sciences usually encompass the disciplines of the humanities, natural sciences and mathematics, and social sciences. Courses that are not usually considered to be liberal arts include business, computer applications, performing arts, physical education, studio art, teacher education, technology, and other courses designed for professional preparation.

The B.S. degree is often focused on undergraduate study as an immediate preparation for professional careers, business and management, or the natural sciences. It may also be used to prepare for further study in these fields at the graduate level. The B.S. degree requires completion of a minimum of 60 liberal arts credits. Students whose major offers a choice of B.A. or B.S. should speak with their academic advisor for additional guidance.

Black Solidarity Day Teach-In

On October 12, 2023 the Faculty Senate passed the Resolution to Incorporate Black Solidarity Day Events into Academic Planning (Action #983).  To ensure ample time for planning the Black Solidarity Day Teach-In will be included each year on the Academic Calendar. To ensure inclusivity, when possible, all teach-in events will be live streamed and recorded for remote and asynchronous viewing.

The following steps should be taken to ensure every opportunity for our community to participate:

  • Faculty, staff and students will be invited to submit proposals for Teach-In activities to the Black Solidarity Day committee organized by the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
  • Faculty must accommodate Black Solidarity Day Teach-In events. Faculty who are teaching in the fall semester should acknowledge Black Solidarity Day in their syllabi. The precise mechanism for enabling students to participate is up to faculty members teaching that day, examples include:
    • Attending a session together related to the subject of the class
    • Requiring students to attend a session of their choice and deliver a short reflection
    • Integrating content into course activities in other ways
    • Note: Pedagogical and technological support will be available from the Center for Teaching Excellence and Technology Enhanced Learning.
  • Faculty should notify students regarding expectations about attendance during Black Solidarity Day Teach-In events.
  • On that day Faculty may only assess student learning on their participation in the Black-Solidarity Day Teach-In events. Faculty should otherwise avoid gradable materials (e.g., tests, quizzes, projects, presentations) assigned or due during Black Solidarity Day Teach-In events.
  • Faculty are encouraged to document their Black Solidarity Day Teach-In activities as they relate to support for diversity in their annual activity reports.

Certificate Programs Policy

Certificate programs allow students to develop specialized expertise to complement a primary program of study, or are a means to career advancement. Registered certificate programs may be offered at the undergraduate or graduate level, typically consisting of 9 to 24 credit hours. To award a certificate, at least 50% of the applicable credits must have been earned from courses taken at SUNY Plattsburgh. The completion of a certificate will be designated on the student’s official transcript at the time the certificate is awarded. Certificate programs are approved through the curriculum approval process. Students in a degree program will receive the certificate at the completion of their degree program.

Class Attendance

Students are expected to attend classes regularly as part of their responsibility for their education, and they will be held responsible for all class work missed regardless of the reasons for their absences. The standards of attendance are set by instructors for their own courses in keeping with the standards and policies of the university and their departments. Each instructor shall state in writing to students, at the beginning of each course, the attendance requirements of that course.

Excused absences from class may only be granted by the instructor for his or her particular class. The instructor is vested with the authority to make the ultimate decision on whether or not to accept a student’s excuse for planning to miss classes (or for having missed classes) - with one exception; refer to the section on Education Law 224-A concerning students unable to attend classes on certain days because of religious beliefs.

In emergency situations such as a death in the family, serious illness, or other unforeseen occurrence, a student who does not have time to notify his or her instructors may contact the Office of the Vice President for Enrollment and Student Success, 518-564-2280. That office will notify faculty of the situation affecting the individual student. Such notification should not be construed as authorization for the student to miss class. Any notification sent by an administrative office is merely a courtesy extended to the student to assist in a crisis situation. Routine requests by students to be excused from classes (to attend a family wedding, for long-standing medical appointments, etc.) must be made directly to the instructor.

Faculty will report on the Third Week Census all students who have never attended class to that point. Faculty will assign a mid-term grade of E to any student who never attended class but appears on the class roster.

Class Level

The student’s class level is based upon the number of credits earned toward graduation at any given time. The number of credits and levels are as follows:

Lower Division: First Year Student 1 - 27 credits
  Sophomore 28 - 56 credits
Upper Division: Junior 57 - 84 credits
  Senior 85 + credits

Change of Major

The choice or change of major can be made after enrollment. Students who wish to change their major or declare a major in the following programs after enrollment will be reviewed internally before admission is granted into these programs: accounting; all business majors; all communication majors; communication disorders and sciences; criminal justice; all education majors; fitness and wellness leadership; all human development and family relations majors; all science majors; nursing; and social work. Some programs may require the successful completion of certain prerequisite course work before a change of major is approved. Students should contact the chairperson of the major they would like to declare for more information.

Common Hour

A time block that is wholly or mostly free of classes has been established so that the service work of the campus and the organizational needs of students can function with greater participation. This will occur Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 12:00 - 12:50.

Consumer Complaint Process

Section 494C (j) of the U.S. Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, provides that persons have the right to file a written complaint if they believe they have been aggrieved by an institution of higher learning.

In New York state, a complaint may be filed by any person with reason to believe that an institution has acted contrary to its published standards or that conditions at the institution appear to jeopardize the quality of the institution’s instructional program or the general welfare of its students.

SUNY Plattsburgh has established a procedure to accommodate such complaints which can be found on the Student Concerns and Complaints Procedures web page. 

Course Numbering

  • 090-099: Remedial or preparatory courses (credit does not count toward degree).
  • 100-199 and 1000-1999: Undergraduate introductory level courses.
  • 200-299 and 2000-2999: Undergraduate intermediate level courses.
  • 300-499 and 3000-4999: Undergraduate upper-division level courses (applies to the 45-hour upper-division degree requirement).
  • 500-699 and 5000-6999: Graduate level courses, open only to graduate students or advanced undergraduate students with special permission. For students in combined bachelor’s/master’s programs, the first 12 credits of graduate-level courses count toward the 45-credit upper division requirement for bachelor’s degrees.

Undergraduate students may take undergraduate courses at any level if they meet the prerequisite requirements. First-year students should take primarily 100-200 level courses unless otherwise directed by their academic advisor. Lower-level courses often serve as prerequisites for 300-499 level courses.

Course Registration

Information regarding procedures, dates, and times for course registration is published on the SUNY Plattsburgh Registration Dates & Forms website. Students register for classes during designated registration periods. A $40 late registration fee is charged to continuing students who do not register during their designated registration time periods.

Students are responsible for the accuracy of their registration. Students may drop full-semester courses from their schedule within the first seven calendar days of the semester without notation of the dropped course(s) appearing on the student’s record. In the case of courses that are less than full semester, information is available on each semester’s registration calendar. Thereafter, Course Schedule Adjustment Forms must be approved and submitted to the Registrar’s Office for processing. Nonattendance does not remove tuition liability; students must either drop within the defined drop period, or officially withdraw from a course if they do not wish to remain enrolled in it.

Registration is not valid until all financial obligations with the university have been met. The university reserves the right to withdraw a student for failure to meet the designated deadlines for registration and/or fee payment. Registration may also be denied for lack of prerequisites, for failure to comply with Health Center regulations, for unsatisfactory academic progress, or for disciplinary action.

Course Repeat Policy

A student may repeat a course for the purpose of raising a grade but may receive degree credit for a course only once. The highest grade earned will be used in the grade point average computation; all grades, however, will be recorded on the student’s official transcript. If a student repeats a course through another institution and transfers the credits back to Plattsburgh, then the grade from the student’s first attempt (taken through Plattsburgh) will be excluded from their cumulative Plattsburgh GPA. Transfer courses do not affect a student’s cumulative Plattsburgh GPA.

The university reserves the right to remove students from courses which they are taking for the third or more time. If a student is denied permission to repeat a course for a second or more time (i.e., take a course for a third or more time) and cannot complete the degree because of this denial, the student may appeal to the dean of faculty that offers his/her major.

NOTE: Most financial aid programs cannot be used to cover the expenses of a previously passed course (i.e., a course with an acceptable grade that satisfies degree requirements) which is repeated to improve the grade and grade point average. (See the Financial Aid  section in this catalog.)

Course Syllabus Policy

Course instructors must provide to students in writing within one week after the start of classes a syllabus containing at minimum the following:

  1. The instructor’s name, office address, office telephone number or other contact information, and in person and/or electronic office hours;
  2. Information on required course materials, projected course content and assignments, including the approximate number and submission dates of papers, projects, and examinations;
  3. An explanation of course policies and requirements including grading and attendance policies;
  4. A list of learning outcomes, including those from the model course outline, the course is intended to achieve;
  5. Additional student learning outcomes for courses that satisfy one or more General Education category or the Advanced Writing Requirement (AWR).
  6. The University Honor Code Statement: “It is expected that all students enrolled in this class support the letter and the spirit of the Academic Honesty Policy as stated in the Academic Catalog.”; and
  7. The Student Accommodations Statement: “SUNY Plattsburgh is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities. If you are a student with a disability that may have an impact on your work in this class and require academic or other accommodations, please contact the Accessibility Resources Office (ARO) on the first floor of Feinberg Library 127, call 518-564-3844 or email ARO@plattsburgh.edu. You may also Request Accommodations from the Accommodate portal and a representative will contact you directly. To utilize specific accommodations you must certify with this office prior to accommodations being provided.”
  8. Syllabi must be consistent with the model course outline on file in the department office or the dean’s office.

Course Withdrawal

For full-semester courses, commencing on the eighth calendar day of the semester (fall and spring) and ending at midnight on the Friday of the 10th week (fall and spring semesters), a student who submits a completed Course Schedule Adjustment Form may withdraw from any class, after consultation with his/her course instructor and advisor. In the case of courses that are less than full semester, the student may withdraw from a class through the course schedule adjustment process until the midpoint of the course. The academic record will indicate a grade of W, which is not computed into the grade point average.

Course withdrawal is not normally allowed after the published withdrawal date. In extraordinary circumstances, however, or circumstances out of the student’s control, a student can appeal for a late course withdrawal to the dean under whose jurisdiction the course is offered. Extraordinary circumstances include such things as serious illness or a death in one’s immediate family. Poor academic performance and non-attendance are not considered extraordinary circumstances. Appeals for late course withdrawal must be accompanied by documentation of the extraordinary circumstance. These appeals must be submitted on or before the last day of the semester.

The effective date of the course withdrawal will be the last date of attendance if the Course Schedule Adjustment Form is received by the Registrar’s Office within seven days of the last day of attendance. Otherwise, the effective date of course withdrawal will be the date the form is received by the Registrar’s Office.

Course withdrawal may affect tuition liability and other charges and the student’s financial aid eligibility or grace period repayment, medical insurance coverage, athletic eligibility, and timely completion of degree requirements. Students who withdraw from all courses through the course withdrawal process will be officially withdrawn from the university and relinquish the right to use all university services and privileges.

Cross-registered students who transfer in a grade from the host institution which indicates an administrative course withdrawal for lack of attendance will have such a grade treated as an “E” grade on their SUNY Plattsburgh transcript and included in the student’s cumulative grade point average.

Credit by Examination

In accordance with SUNY policy, students enrolled at Plattsburgh may apply up to 30 credits earned through published subject examinations toward the fulfillment of baccalaureate degree requirements. This guarantee of credit for published examinations applies to the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) and the New York State College Proficiency Examination Program. Credit earned through these programs will be treated as transfer credit and will be subject to provisions specified under Credit by Examination in the Admissions  section of this catalog.

It is the student’s responsibility to complete the appropriate form and to get prior approval for credit evaluation. The student is also required to apply for the examinations, to pay appropriate testing fees, and to have the official test results forwarded to the Registrar’s Office. Final approval of credit will be made only after receipt of the official scores. Information about these examinations may be obtained from the Office of College Proficiency Examination Program, State Education Department, Albany, New York 12206, or from College-Level Examination Program, College Entrance Examination Board, Box 1822, Princeton, N.J. 08540. For information about local administration of CLEP, DANTES, and other tests, call 518-564-2080.

Credit for Prior Learning

The award of academic credit for prior learning can shorten time to degree, improve persistence and completion, and save students money. Expert faculty evaluation is integral to maintaining academic integrity throughout the process. This Credit for Prior Learning Policy provides a framework to award university credit for validated learning experiences that were not obtained from a regionally accredited institution of higher education. Credit by evaluation may be awarded to matriculated students in a degree or certificate program or enrolled in a microcredential.

Credit for prior learning may be awarded in recognition of validated college-level learning from the following sources:

A. Standardized exams within published score ranges:

a. Advanced Placement (AP)

b. International Baccalaureate (IB)

c. Advanced International Certificate of Education Program (AICE)

d. Advanced Level Qualifications (A-levels)

e. Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Educational Support (DANTES)
    Standardized Tests (DSST)

f. College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) Subject Examinations

g. American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) proficiency assessments

B. Military education and training:

a. as documented on a Joint Military Services Transcript (JST)

b. in accordance with recommendations of the American Council on Education (ACE) Military Guide

C. Other forms of learning including professional and industry certifications, licenses, or other credentials; non-credit continuing education; coursework from non-regionally accredited sources; on-the-job training/education; and work experience may be eligible for credit if validated through at least one of the following:

a. assessments by a nationally recognized external body, including the American Council on Education (ACE), the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL), the National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS)

b. faculty/department developed proficiency examinations, portfolio review, or other individualized prior learning evaluation

Credit is only granted for prior learning that is satisfactorily evaluated by faculty experts to be equivalent to courses or curricula offered by SUNY Plattsburgh:

A. credit may fulfill various requirements, including major, certificate, microcredential, general education, or elective requirements

B. all disciplines may accept academic credit awarded through evaluation, however, faculty from each discipline will determine whether credit for prior learning is subject to programmatic or accreditation restrictions, in which case the credit may be eligible for elective credit only

Credit for prior learning is subject to the following restrictions:

A. limited to a maximum of 30 undergraduate credits, including CPL awarded by other SUNY campuses or accredited institutions, subject to program-specific requirements, to facilitate smooth student transfer between campuses.

B. considered transfer credit and is counted towards established transfer credit limits:

a. undergraduate programs: up to 67 transfer credits from two-year institutions and up to 84 transfer credits from four-year institutions, provided that at least 17 of those credits were earned at a four-year institution

b. graduate programs: up to 12 credits for courses completed at another accredited institution or earned at SUNY Plattsburgh as a non-matriculated student, with approval of the faculty of the department/program which supervises the graduate program and the dean of the appropriate division.

C. is not counted toward the university residency requirement or commencement honors eligibility

D. is not calculated in the grade point average (GPA)

E. cannot duplicate previously awarded credit

F. time limitations for inclusion of credit for prior learning to meet degree requirements are consistent with policies for the acceptance of transfer credit 

a. undergraduate credit does not have a time limitation

b. for graduate degree programs requiring 60 or more credits, all degree requirements must be completed within ten (10) years prior to the date of graduation; for graduate degree programs requiring fewer than 60 credits, all degree requirements must be completed within seven (7) years prior to the date of graduation

SUNY Plattsburgh will maintain an Inventory of Approved Credit for Prior Learning that is accessible to prospective and current students. Documentation of the policy and procedure will be accessible on the website, in the catalog and other applicable locations.

Credit Hour System: Time Commitment

SUNY Plattsburgh uses the credit hour system in determining course value toward degree requirements. Under this system, a course which meets one hour each week for one semester (15 weeks) is worth one credit hour (or one semester hour of credit) toward graduation. Most courses meet the equivalent of three hours per week and are therefore worth three credit hours. Students can expect the outside-of-class study time requirement to be a minimum of two to three hours for each hour of class. Thus, students can plan that each three-credit course will require at least six to nine hours per week of work outside of class.

A minimum full-time academic work load for undergraduate students is 12 credit hours per semester; the average load for undergraduates is 15-16 credits.

Cross-Registration Guidelines

Matriculated, undergraduate students at SUNY Plattsburgh may cross-register for courses at other SUNY universities when the course or courses are required for the degree, are not available at SUNY Plattsburgh, and must be taken for on-time graduation. Students pay tuition at SUNY Plattsburgh only. Courses that do not meet the criteria for cross-registration may be approved for transfer; see the Permission to Study at Another University section.

Cross-registration credits count as transfer credit and are not applied toward residency. Cross-registration grades do not apply toward GPA calculations. A transfer grade notation (TR) is posted on the student’s academic transcript. Academic transcripts are created at the student’s host campus and home campus. Any applicable health center requirements (immunization/records/physical examination, etc.) must be met at both institutions. Students who are cross-registering at SUNY community colleges must file residency documents at the host institutions (certificate of residency) which must be obtained from the student’s county of permanent residence. Students pay tuition at SUNY Plattsburgh if cross-registering at another SUNY campus.

Cross-registered students who transfer in a grade from the host institution which indicates an administrative course withdrawal for lack of attendance will have such a grade treated as an “E” grade on their SUNY Plattsburgh transcript and included in the student’s cumulative grade point average.

Cross-Registration Guidelines for Campus at Queensbury Students

Courses taken through cross-registration by Queensbury campus students at SUNY Adirondack count as institutional credits and are applied toward all residency requirements. Students pay tuition at SUNY Plattsburgh only. Cross-registration grades apply toward all GPA calculations. Actual grades are posted on the student’s academic transcript.  Any health center requirements (immunization/records/physical examination, etc.) must be met at SUNY Plattsburgh only. 

Cross-registered students who transfer in a grade from SUNY Adirondack that indicates an administrative course withdrawal for lack of attendance will have such a grade treated as an “E” grade on their SUNY Plattsburgh transcript and included in the student’s cumulative grade point average.

Cross-Registration Guidelines for Non-SUNY Plattsburgh Students

SUNY Plattsburgh permits students from other colleges and university to cross-register for courses on a space-available basis according to the policies of SUNY Plattsburgh and the State University of New York. For additional information contact the Registrar’s Office at registrar@plattsburgh.edu or call 518-564-2100 for assistance.

Dean’s List

To be eligible for the Dean’s List, a student must achieve a minimum 3.5 semester grade point average, with at least 12 credit hours graded A through E. A part-time, matriculated student is eligible for the Dean’s List after accruing 12 credit hours (graded A through E) over more than one semester in consecutive matriculated status, and achieving a 3.5 GPA. To be eligible for the Dean’s List again, the part-time student must accrue an additional 12 credit hours (graded A through E) over more than one semester in consecutive matriculated status, with a minimum 3.5 GPA.

Degree Requirements

In addition to completing an academic major and general education requirements, candidates for bachelor’s degrees must also meet a number of other degree requirements. (See the Undergraduate Degree Requirements  section in this catalog.)

Developmental Courses

Courses which are developmental or remedial in content are identified in the online Banner Course Schedule by a “0” first digit in the course number (i.e., MAT 099). Credit for developmental courses does not count toward graduation, and grades earned are not computed into the student’s cumulative GPA. The credit does count toward the student’s total semester credit load.

Double Majors

Students who wish to double major must complete all specific requirements of both majors, including any required concentrations. Courses taken to complete a second major may also count in any category of the general education program, as appropriate. The advanced writing course is a major requirement within each major; therefore, students with double majors will usually take two advanced writing courses. Double majors may only be declared in two separately registered degree programs, e.g., history and marketing. Double majors may not be declared in study options within a registered degree program, e.g., Art (Art History) and Art (Art Studio). Double major work must be done in consultation with an advisor from each academic program. Only one degree is awarded. Students matriculated at SUNY Plattsburgh may not pursue two baccalaureate degrees simultaneously but may complete double majors. Students desiring a second baccalaureate degree may subsequently pursue such a degree upon approval of the Admissions Office. (See the Admissions  section of this catalog.) Students should be aware that pursuing more than one major may require additional time to graduation and additional costs. 

Educational Records

It is the policy of SUNY Plattsburgh to comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).  This means that we will safeguard the privacy of student education records and will not release them to third parties unless we have that student’s prior consent or in accordance with a specific exemption prescribed by law.  Common exemptions that the University exercises include:

  • Release of directory information to school officials and third parties; and
  • Release of education records to school officials with legitimate educational interest.

The University understands that students may want to exercise greater control over the release of their education records.  We have established procedures that allow students to withhold the release of directory information to third parties (“Confidentiality Hold”) or delegate access to their records to a third party (“Proxy access”).

We also recognize that students have a legitimate interest in the contents of their education record and we will provide that student with access to inspect their education records upon request as permitted under the law and in accordance with applicable University policies.

If a student feels that the content in their education record is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of their privacy rights, they may ask that the record to be changed or to insert a statement explaining the alleged inaccuracy or misstatement in the file.  We will review this request and inform the student of our decision.  If the student’s request is denied, we will provide them with an opportunity for a hearing to resolve the matter.

FERPA becomes effective on the first day of classes the first semester a student is enrolled at the University.  A student’s education record remains covered by FERPA for their entire life.  Once a student has passed away, their FERPA rights end and the University will exercise its discretion in deciding whether, and under what conditions, records will be disclosed to survivors or third parties.

We take the responsibility of safeguarding the privacy of student records seriously.  Biannually, the University will inform our students of their rights under FERPA.   University employees are expected to comply with FERPA and any related procedures promulgated by the Registrar’s Office.  If a student feels that their FERPA rights have been violated, we encourage that student to contact the Registrar’s Office.  Students may also file a complaint with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Policy Compliance Office, Office of Human Resources and Administration, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20202-4604.

The following definitions apply:

Directory Information: Under FERPA, directory information is defined as “Information contained in an education record of a student that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed”.  The University hereby designates the following categories of student information as public or directory information which may be disclosed by the university for any purpose, at its discretion:

Student’s full name; e-mail address; local and home addresses; local and home telephone numbers; date of birth; major field of study; name of academic advisor(s); class level; dates of attendance; degree(s), honor(s) and award(s) received; most recent previous public or private school attended by student; participation in officially recognized activities and sports; weight and height of members of athletic teams; and photos of students.

Education Records: Education records are records that are 1) directly related to a student and 2) maintained by an institution or a party acting for the institution.  These include files, documents, and materials in whatever medium (i.e., electronic, handwritten, print, tape, film, microfilm, microfiche) which contain information directly related to students and from which students can be individually identified.   

Legitimate Educational Interest: A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official requires the information for the purpose of fulfilling his or her responsibilities for the university and/or SUNY System Administration, including:

  • performing a task that is specified in his or her performance program, job description, work assignments provided by supervisor, or contract agreement;
  • performing a task related to a student’s education;
  • performing a task related to the discipline of a student;
  • providing a service or benefit relating to the student or student’s family, such as health care, counseling, job placement or financial aid;
  • maintaining the safety and security of members of the campus; or
  • participating in or conducting studies, evaluations, or assessments of educational programs.

School Official: A school official is defined as a person employed by or doing volunteer work for the University and/or SUNY System Administration in an administrative, supervisory, legal, academic, research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health center staff), a member of the University Council or Board of Trustees, contractors / consultants, university-affiliated organization personnel, and a student serving on an official committee.

English Composition

The all-university English composition requirement is met by completing one first-year composition curricular path and a designated advanced writing (AWR) course or courses in the student’s major. There are two first-year composition curricular paths: path A (ENG 100  and ENG 101 ) and path B (ENG 101  only). Entering first year students choose a path by participating in the university’s Directed Self-Placement program. Students who choose path A must earn a grade of C (2.0) or better in ENG 100  as a prerequisite for enrolling in ENG 101 . All students are required to obtain a minimum grade of C (2.0) in ENG 101  in order to qualify for graduation; grades of less than C (2.0) are not accepted for transfer credit.

Grading Policies

Overarching Principles: The assignment of grades during a course provides students with feedback on their progress toward course learning outcomes to help students understand and improve their learning in a course. Grades should reflect levels of student achievement on student learning outcomes and standards presented to students at the beginning of a course in a syllabus. Timely, meaningful feedback allows students to take appropriate action to enhance their learning and may improve success and retention. Midterm grades based on assignments early in the semester give students a sense of their academic progress and are used by advisors, coaches, and student support professionals to help students achieve their goals and plan upcoming course schedules. Instructors are required to submit midterm and final grades for courses.

Guidance on Grades: When assigning midterm and final grades, instructors should use letter grades, as these provide the most information about academic performance to students, advisors, coaches, and student support professionals. Midterm grades of S or US should only be assigned by instructors when the meaning and basis of those grades has been clearly communicated to students. A grade of N should only be assigned when there are no grades to form the basis of a midterm grade, such as when students have not yet started experiential learning coursework.

Grading System: Letter grades are used to indicate student success in achieving the specific purposes of a course. The grading system designates: A, superior; B, above average; C, average; D, passing but unsatisfactory; E, failure; I, incomplete; W, withdrawal from course; WC, withdrawal from university; P, pass; AU, audited; CR, credit; PR, proficiency; and IP, in-progress (for graduate students only). The following additional grades are recognized: A-, B+, B-, C+ (undergraduate and graduate courses) and C- and D+ (undergraduate courses only). For midterm grades only, S, satisfactory; US, unsatisfactory; and N, no grade available are also recognized.

The grade point average (GPA) is a measure of academic performance based on the following system of quality points: A = 4.0; A- = 3.7; B+ = 3.3; B = 3.0; B- = 2.7; C+ = 2.3; C = 2.0; C- = 1.7; D+ = 1.3; D = 1.0; E = 0. Other grades carry no value in GPA computation. Under the quality point system, the value of the course (number of credit hours) is multiplied by the value of the grade received to arrive at the number of quality points earned (e.g., a grade of B in a three credit hour course equals nine quality points). Students determine their grade point average by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the number of GPA hours completed.

Incomplete Grades: The grade of incomplete (I) indicates that a student has been unable to complete a course for reasons which are considered by the instructor of the course to be extenuating and beyond the student’s control and can be documented. An example would be missing the final examination or final paper deadline because of an illness or family emergency. To· be granted a grade of incomplete (I) a student should have completed the following: (a) 75 percent of the work for the course; (b) attendance through the course has been otherwise satisfactory; and (c) work to date is passing. Faculty must complete a Report of Incomplete Work form and send a copy to the student and the department chairperson. This form indicates the specific work required and the date by which the work must be completed (not to exceed the end of the following semester).Any incomplete grade that is not changed by the instructor to an A-E or P grade by the end of the semester after it was given automatically converts to a grade of E. Incomplete (I) grades may not be changed to withdrawals (W) at a later date. Incomplete (I) grades are not transferable and are not computed in the student’s grade point average.

Pass/Fail Grades: If an instructor offers the pass/fail option as an alternative to a letter grade, a student can elect this option only during the first two weeks of the course. Once elected, the pass/fail option cannot be reversed for a letter grade. A pass (P) will be awarded for performance equivalent to letter grades of A-D, but will not be computed in the GPA. A fail will be awarded for a grade of E and will be computed in the GPA. The pass/fail option is not permitted for courses in a student’s major (including cognates) or minor areas of study with the exception of student teaching, teaching practicums, internships, research, zero credit requirements, and clinical nursing courses. A pass (P) grade earned is acceptable if completed prior to declaring a major/minor in which the course is required. Students should be cautioned that the amount of pass/fail work elected may jeopardize their chances for admission to graduate or professional school or career placement, and pass (P) grades may not transfer to other schools. Questions regarding this policy may be directed to the Registrar’s Office or the Office of Academic Advising.

Grade Changes: No grade can be changed more than one calendar year after it has been posted with one exception: Graduate-level in-progress (IP) grades may stand for two years.

Administrative Withdrawal Grade Transfers: Cross registered students who transfer in a grade from the host institution which indicates an administrative course withdrawal for lack of attendance will have such a grade treated as an “E” grade on their SUNY Plattsburgh transcript and included in the student’s cumulative grade point average.

Graduation and Commencement

All degree and certificate undergraduate and graduate candidates are required to submit an on-line Graduation Application the semester before they are planning on graduating.  Graduation Applications for students graduating in May or August are due November 30th the semester before and students graduating December or January are due April 30th the semester before.  Students must be in good, matriculated status at the end of the previous spring semester to be eligible to graduate in August and the previous fall semester to be eligible to graduate in January.  Diplomas are not ordered nor degree requirements verified for students who have not filed a Graduation Application.  There are four diploma granting dates: January, May, August and December. There are two commencement ceremonies each year, one in May for the May and August candidates and one in December for the December and January candidates.

Graduation is not official until all degree requirements are complete. The responsibility for verification of information and completion of degree requirements rests with the student.  Participation in commencement does not itself constitute or guarantee graduation. Students do not receive their diplomas at commencement. Diplomas are mailed about six weeks after the graduation date.

Commencement Participation: Participation in May and December commencements is open to:

  1. Degree candidates who, with the completion of the current semester of classes, anticipate the completion of all degree requirements.
    1. May Commencement: Those undergraduate students within six or fewer of the total credit hours required for graduation following the spring semester, who have applied for August graduation and are registered in the summer session for the remaining credit hours, or have an approved Permission for Off-Campus Study form on file.
    2. December Commencement: Those undergraduate students within six or fewer of the total credit hours required for graduation following the fall semester who have applied for January graduation and are registered in the winter session for the remaining credit hours or have an approved Permission for Off-Campus Study form on file.
  2. Graduate students within six or fewer of the total credit hours required for graduation and/or who have not completed a required thesis and/or internship must have their advisor acknowledge their anticipated completion before the end of August to participate in the May commencement or January to participate in the December commencement.

Commencement Honors: Commencement honors are based on the student’s undergraduate GPA at SUNY Plattsburgh. Students must complete at least 36 credit hours of residence study (graded A through E) at SUNY Plattsburgh to be eligible for honors designations at graduation. Special recognition of superior scholastic achievement is given with the designation of summa cum laude (3.9-4.0 GPA), magna cum laude (3.7-3.89 GPA), and cum laude (3.4-3.69 GPA). Students in a graduate program are not eligible for commencement honors designation.

Graduate Courses

Enrollment in graduate courses (courses numbered 500-699 or 5000-6999) is normally limited to persons who have completed a baccalaureate degree. In order to take a graduate course (for undergraduate or graduate credit), an undergraduate student:

  1. Must have at least one hundred five (105) completed credits;
  2. Must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0;
  3. If the graduate course to be taken is in the student’s own major, the student must have a major GPA of at least 3.0;
  4. Cannot register for more than sixteen (16) credit hours of undergraduate and graduate courses combined during that semester;
  5. Must specify in advance whether the course will be applied to the undergraduate degree program or will count as non-matriculated graduate credit;
  6. Cannot accumulate more than six (6) graduate credits as an undergraduate; and
  7. Must receive the approval of the instructor and the chair of the department offering the course, and of their adviser, department chair, and academic dean (through the Approval for an Undergraduate to Take a Graduate Course form).

Students matriculated in a combined undergraduate/graduate program (such as the BA/MST programs) are not guided by the terms of this policy, but rather by the policies specific to their program. Students pursuing undergraduate study at a college or university other than SUNY Plattsburgh may petition to take a graduate course at SUNY Plattsburgh under this policy.

NOTE: Students receiving financial aid must be enrolled in a minimum of twelve (12) credits applicable to their undergraduate degree in order to be eligible for financial aid.

Grievance Procedure

If a student feels that an assigned grade is not consistent with the grading policy that has been articulated in the course syllabus, or that he or she is being evaluated unjustly, he or she may wish to complain in the form of a grievance. The student who has a grievance should attempt to reach a resolution with the faculty member concerned. If this resolution is not satisfactory, the student should consult with the faculty member’s chairperson for a copy of the all-university grievance procedures. These procedures specify time limits for filing a grievance (normally 45 academic calendar workdays after the alleged unjust treatment took place). The deans’ and the provost’s offices may also be contacted for grievance procedure information. (Note that an instructor’s raising the issue of possible academic dishonesty is not grievable under these procedures. The university’s Procedures for Addressing Suspected Academic Dishonesty must be used instead. Copies of both of the above-mentioned policies are available at deans’ offices and at https://www.plattsburgh.edu/about/offices-divisions/academic-affairs/provost/index.html.

Honor Code Statement for Syllabi

It is expected that all students enrolled in this class support the letter and the spirit of the Academic Honesty Policy as Stated in the University Catalog.

Independent Study

The university offers opportunities for independent study to students who desire to pursue areas of special interest by individual investigation. An undergraduate student should have a 2.5 cumulative grade point average and a graduate student should have a cumulative grade point average of 3.25 or better in order to be eligible for independent study. Students wishing to undertake independent study must complete an Application for Independent Study, which serves as a contract between the student and the sponsoring faculty member. The application must be approved by the student’s faculty sponsor and academic advisor and by the chairperson of the faculty offering the independent study. An explanation of how the student’s project justifies the number of credits requested must be included. The ending date of an independent study must occur within the same term in which it is initiated.

International Student Advisement

Academic advisement for international students is provided by faculty within the student’s academic program. International students who have special concerns related to language or cultural differences may consult with staff in International Student Services (518-564-3287) or the English Language Learner Support Specialist in the Learning Center.

Learning Management System Usage Policy

All fully-online courses and the online components of hybrid courses offered by SUNY Plattsburgh must be delivered via the campus-supported learning management system (LMS). The course site must be used to provide access to all digital course materials, which could include integrated tools and third-party resources, such as publisher resource sites. Use of an alternative LMS without the explicit permission of the campus Chief Information Officer is not permitted.

All lecture-based face to face courses should have an accompanying course site in the campus-supported LMS which should include at minimum:
● The instructor’s name, contact information, and office hours
● An accessible copy of the course syllabus
● Utilization of the LMS gradebook to convey course progress
Instructors are encouraged to utilize features in the LMS to enhance students’ engagement with the instructor, their peers, and course materials.

Matriculated Student

A matriculated student has been admitted to the university through the Admissions Office, is working toward the completion of a degree, and may be a full-time student (enrolled for a minimum of 12 credits per semester) or a part-time student (enrolled for fewer than 12 credits per semester). Non-matriculated students are those who are taking courses but are not enrolled in a degree program.

Maximum Course Load

The maximum number of credits for which undergraduate students may enroll without special permission during fall and spring semester is eighteen (18). The maximum for winter session is 7 credits. For the two-week summer session the maximum is 4 credits and for the five-week summer sessions the maximum is 7 credits per session. The maximum number of credits for which a student may enroll during the summer session is 15 (including enrollment at SUNY Plattsburgh and at any other universities). To take 19-23 credits per semester (or 16-18 credits in all sessions of one summer or 8-9 credits in winter session), students must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA and file with the Registrar’s Office an Authorization to Register for Credit Hour Overload form that has been approved by the student’s advisor, chairperson, and dean of their primary major. A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 is required in order to apply for authorization to take over twenty-three (23) credits in a spring or fall, over eighteen (18) credits in all sessions of one summer, or over nine (9) credits in winter session.

Microcredentials Policy

Microcredentials provide validation of the attainment of specific skills and/or learner-demonstrated competencies. Microcredentials can promote career advancement, help students stand out to employers, bridge to additional credentials, support life-long learning, and enhance professional skills through continuing. education. Microcredentials may be developed for credit or may be non-credit bearing:

  • Credit-bearing microcredentials require completion of coursework and may also require additional experiences. Credit-bearing microcredentials must be at least 6 credits and cannot exceed 12 credits. They must include two courses, at a - minimum. The microcredential will be noted on the transcript, and the learner who has attained the learning objectives of the microcredential will be awarded a digital badge. At least 50% of the credits must have been earned from SUNY Plattsburgh. Credit-bearing microcredentials must be approved through the curriculum approval process established for degree and certificate program proposals.
  • Non-credit microcredentials are typically smaller learning opportunities. The learner who has attained the learning objectives of the microcredential will be awarded a digital badge. Approval will be within the department with final approval from the Dean.

Minor Program

In addition to their major degree program, undergraduate students and students enrolled in combined undergraduate/graduate programs may pursue an approved academic minor, consisting of 18 to 24 credit hours. In order to receive a minor from SUNY Plattsburgh students must have the approval of the program coordinator to formally pursue the minor and must complete 9 credit hours of the minor in courses offered by SUNY Plattsburgh. Courses taken to complete a minor may also count in any category of the general education program or as any other requirement in the student’s major. Students that have a declared minor must obtain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 for all courses which fulfill the minor requirements. The completion of an approved minor will be designated on the student’s official transcript at the time of degree verification.

NOTE: The Business Minor is not available to students in the following majors: accounting; business administration; entrepreneurship; finance; global supply chain management; information systems, and analytics; and marketing.

Official Modes of Communication

SUNY Plattsburgh considers the university’s email system (e.g., employee’s username@plattsburgh.edu, student’s username@mail.plattsburgh.edu), along with the United States Postal Service, to be official means of communication. The university will consider employees and students to be duly informed and in receipt of notifications and correspondences sent by a university administrator, staff, or faculty member when delivered to an employee’s or a student’s college email account. It is recommended that employees and students frequently access their university-assigned email account for official information. Individuals may choose to have their @ plattsburgh.edu or their @mail.plattsburgh.edu email accounts forwarded to an off-campus account. Such individuals, however, are responsible for managing their disk quota such that there is room for new mail to arrive and for forwarding their Plattsburgh email account to a functioning alternative email address. The university is not responsible for delivery problems to non-official email accounts.

Permission to Study at Another University

Students may take courses at another university for the purpose of transferring credit to SUNY Plattsburgh. Students who plan to study at another university should complete the Cross-Registration and Off-Campus Study Approval Form and receive approval in advance from their advisor and chairperson for the courses they intend to take. Students will not be granted credit for duplicate/equivalent course work. A minimum grade of D (1.0) is required for the credit to transfer; however, if a grade higher than a D is required for a course (university-wide or in the student’s major) the credit will transfer only if that higher minimum grade has been earned. Students should bear in mind that a maximum of 67 credit hours earned at two-year colleges or 84 credit hours earned at other four-year universities may be accepted toward a bachelor’s degree at SUNY Plattsburgh.

NOTE: The senior residency requirement states that a student must earn 30 of the last 36 credits toward a bachelor’s degree in courses at SUNY Plattsburgh. Exceptions: a) students in programs that require final course work to be completed off campus (e.g., medical technology, engineering 3+2 programs, pre-pharmacy 3 + 4 programs); b) students completing final course work in SUNY-sponsored study abroad programs (sponsored by a university center or four-year liberal arts university); and c) students enrolled in upper division nursing (RN to BS). In addition, the upper-division credit hour requirement states that a minimum of 45 credit hours of upper-division courses, designated by Plattsburgh as 300 or 400 level courses, or its equivalent, are required for graduation. Of these upper-division credits, 21 credits must be earned at SUNY Plattsburgh; not more than 21 transfer credits may be used to fulfill this requirement.

Practicum and Internships

Practicum and internship candidates are expected to follow the external and professional practicum guidelines appropriate to their discipline. Please refer to specific department/program student/internship manual for details.


Disciplines in which regular proficiency/placement examinations are available include mathematics, English, information and technology literacy, and foreign language. Students may inquire about the availability of other proficiency/placement tests by seeing the center director or chairperson of the department offering the course. Students may take proficiency/placement examinations without enrolling in the specific course. Some majors, minors, or specific courses may require all enrolled students to take a proficiency/placement examination/evaluation. A student may not satisfy a requirement through proficiency for a course in which he or she has already received a grade (including but not limited to I, W, WC, or AU) or where he or she has already completed a more advanced course. There is no credit earned by proficiency, only the recording on the student’s transcript of the grade of PR.

Recording in the Classroom Policy

Recording in the classroom must respect the intellectual property rights of the holder of those rights and the privacy of individuals in the class. Please note that this policy does not supersede any ADA accommodations that have been arranged through Student Support Services.

Course Repeat Policy

A student may repeat a course for the purpose of raising a grade but may receive degree credit for a course only once. The highest grade earned will be used in the grade point average computation; all grades, however, will be recorded on the student’s official transcript. If a student repeats a course through another institution and transfers the credits back to Plattsburgh, then the grade from the student’s first attempt (taken through Plattsburgh) will be excluded from their cumulative Plattsburgh GPA. Transfer courses do not affect a student’s cumulative Plattsburgh GPA.

The university reserves the right to remove students from courses which they are taking for the third or more time. If a student is denied permission to repeat a course for a second or more time (i.e., take a course for a third or more time) and cannot complete the degree because of this denial, the student may appeal to the dean of faculty that offers his/her major.

NOTE: Most financial aid programs cannot be used to cover the expenses of a previously passed course (i.e., a course with an acceptable grade that satisfies degree requirements) which is repeated to improve the grade and grade point average. (See the Financial Aid  section in this catalog.)

Social Media Pedagogical Applications

Social media are Internet or mobile digital tools and systems that are available to the general public and that are used to share and/or receive information or conversation.

Faculty may utilize social media within courses taught at the University. The pedagogical role of social media should be determined by individual faculty members with the goal of enhancing the course content. Faculty members should consider the pedagogical necessity of the use of social media in light of the fact that no social media can guarantee privacy.

Faculty considering the use of social media must provide students the opportunity to use a pseudonym or alias on the site should they choose to do so. All members of the social media group/site should remain aware of the basic rights to privacy and that no privacy option can provide total protection from personal information being shared beyond the bounds of the group. Information posted to social media should be limited to information normally shared in a course/classroom or included in the university directory, consistent with Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) guidelines.

In addition, social media should not include summative or formative evaluative feedback specific to an individual student.

All social media sites utilized within courses must adhere to the records retention policies of the University.

Student Learning Outcomes

A SUNY Plattsburgh graduate will be able to:

  1. Apply analytical, quantitative, and critical thinking and inquiry skills to solve problems and make decisions;
  2. Communicate effectively through oral, written, and visual methods appropriate to the audience, situation and purpose;
  3. Demonstrate knowledge within a chosen field of study; as well as general knowledge of the liberal arts for students enrolled at the baccalaureate level;
  4. Articulate the complexity of diversity, equity, and inclusion to effectively understand and interact with others;
  5. Demonstrate skills that enable collaboration and leadership when working in group settings;
  6. Apply ethical perspectives and thinking to guide and evaluate behavior; and
  7. Use information literacy and appropriate technologies to access, evaluate, synthesize, and communicate information.

Study Abroad and Exchanges

Study abroad programs offer students an opportunity to explore new and exciting cultures while studying at internationally respected institutions. In this era of global economics, Internet communications, and worldwide technological advancement, an understanding of other cultures and languages has become increasingly important.

SUNY Plattsburgh currently has study abroad agreements with institutions in Australia, Canada, England, France, Japan, Spain, Semester at Sea, and more. Students may also apply to more than 600 programs in more than 60 countries through other SUNY institutions. These programs provide students with opportunities to become immersed in the academic and cultural life of the host countries. Specifically, students may study the language, literature, art, culture, geography, history, economy, government, and social institutions of individual countries and world regions. Courses are offered in all academic fields (French, Spanish, business, literature, science, computer science, history, politics, sociology, geography, and anthropology, to mention a few). Students who meet the minimum GPA requirement of 2.5 are eligible to apply for many of the study abroad programs administered by SUNY Plattsburgh or other SUNY institutions.

Credits earned through a SUNY study abroad program may be applicable toward a student’s degree requirements at SUNY Plattsburgh provided a grade that would be acceptable at SUNY Plattsburgh is earned in the course. However, before going abroad, students must submit a Course Approval Form for Study Away Program (available at the Global Education Office) in order to have the courses they plan to take evaluated for SUNY Plattsburgh equivalencies. The final grades and credit hours are recorded on the Plattsburgh transcript but are not automatically factored into the student’s GPA. The minimum grade for a study abroad course to count as SUNY Plattsburgh credit is D, unless a higher grade is required (e.g. C for ENG 101).

Students who have participated in a SUNY-approved study abroad program (outside the U.S.) may request to have the grades earned in that program count in their GPA. If such an election is made, it must include all the courses computed in the specific program (including any D’s and E’s), and the request must reach the Registrar’s Office no more than one semester after completion of the study abroad course work and prior to final degree clearance. Contact the Registrar’s Office for more information, registrar@plattsburgh.edu or 518-564-2100.

All students must complete a minimum of 36 credit hours at SUNY Plattsburgh. Students completing their final course in a SUNY study abroad and/or student exchange program are exempt from the requirement that 30 of their last 36 credits be completed at Plattsburgh. Any study abroad including at a minimum of 3 credits of coursework, lasting at a minimum of 3 weeks, and approved by SUNY will satisfy the Integration requirement (Global Issues) of the General Education Program.

Detailed information on all SUNY programs, including eligibility requirements, cost and application forms, is available at the Global Education Office, Kehoe 210, 518-564-3287, or via email at geo@plattsburgh.edu. Interested students may also visit our website at https://www.plattsburgh.edu/academics/study-abroad-exchanges/.

NOTE: Plattsburgh students participating in one of our study abroad programs may apply for special scholarships through the Global Education Office. Eligibility criteria apply.

National Student Exchange

The National Student Exchange (NSE) offers full-time undergraduate students an opportunity to study for a semester or academic year at one of nearly 200 member colleges and universities located throughout the U.S., Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and Canada. The purpose of the NSE is to provide students with the opportunity to access different courses, internships, or field studies while living in a different geographical and cultural setting.

Students eligible to participate in the NSE are usually sophomores, juniors, or seniors at the time of participation. All participants must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher and demonstrate adaptability, motivation, and the ability to act as a good ambassador for their home campus.

Credits earned through participation in NSE may be applicable toward a student’s degree requirements at SUNY Plattsburgh provided a grade that would be acceptable at SUNY Plattsburgh is earned in the course. However, before participating in NSE students must submit a Course Approval Form for Study Away Program (available at the Global Education Office) in order to have the courses they plan to take evaluated for SUNY Plattsburgh equivalencies. The final grades and credit hours are recorded on the Plattsburgh transcript but are not factored into the student’s GPA.

Detailed information on NSE, including eligibility requirements, cost and application forms, is available at the Global Education Office, Kehoe 10th floor, 518-564-3287, or via email at geo@plattsburgh.edu. Interested students may also visit our NSE website at https://www.plattsburgh.edu/academics/study-abroad-exchanges/programs/nse.html.

Summer and Winter Session

Summer and winter session courses provide students with an opportunity to accelerate their degree programs, spread their academic work more comfortably across the full year, or take courses of personal interest outside of a degree program. Courses focus on broadening students’ horizons through travel, outdoor adventures, or new fields of study. Others offer the opportunity to explore a topic in a new way; through media, interaction with other groups, or hands-on experiences and may satisfy general education requirements.Undergraduate courses are open to anyone who meets course requirements; graduate courses are open to individuals who have earned a bachelor’s degree and meet course requirements. Financial aid may be available.

The first summer session begins in May and continues until early June, the second session runs from early June to early July and the third session begins in early July and runs through early August. Winter session courses vary in length from one day to five weeks and allow students to experience unique educational opportunities. Additional information about registration is available by contacting the Registrar’s Office, 518-564-2100, registrar@platttsburgh.edu. Due to the condensed nature of the courses, the following restrictions apply:

  • The maximum number of credits that can be attempted in a two-week session is four
  • The maximum number of credits that can be attempted in a five-week session is seven credits 

Transcript and Transcript Requests

A transcript is a legal document of the student’s academic record that is protected by FERPA and maintained by the Registrar’s Office. The transcript reflects the unabridged academic history of the student at the institution. At the time of degree verification the academic record is sealed; no changes or alterations are made thereafter.

Official transcripts are requested from an online transcript service. The cost for each transcript is $10 and must be paid with a major credit card. Additional fees apply if using the Federal Express. The transcript services used by SUNY Plattsburgh apply web encryption technology, ensuring your information is secure. Online orders may qualify for “automatic authorization” in lieu of submitting a signed authorization form. To qualify, your order must meet the following criteria:

  1. Name provided on the request and on your credit card matches exactly your name as it appears on your SUNY Plattsburgh record, and
  2. Date of birth exactly matches the information on your SUNY Plattsburgh record

If you have attachments that need to be forwarded with your official transcript, you may still use the transcript service by uploading the attachments to the site for PDF processing.

Due to FERPA policy, which defines limitations of access to students’ educational records, transcript requests by telephone, email, FAX or Internet are not accepted. 

Unofficial transcripts may be accessed through Banner Web free of charge by currently enrolled students and their advisors.

Undeclared Major

Students who have not yet selected an academic major are considered to have undeclared majors, and are assigned an advisor by the director of academic advising, who is also responsible for signing or approving for such students all academic forms requiring the signature of a department chairperson. Students with undeclared majors are encouraged to explore several academic disciplines to identify their academic interests. Professional staff in the Career Development Center are available to help clarify long-range goals and to identify career interests.

NOTE: Students who receive New York State’s Tuition Assistance Program (i.e. a TAP Grant) must declare a major once the student accumulates 57 credits to maintain TAP eligibility (See the Financial Aid  section of this catalog).

Waiting Period for Arrival of Class Instructor

On-time attendance at class is expected of both students and instructors. In cases in which an instructor is late in arriving to class, students are expected to wait 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, if there has been no official notification of the instructor’s anticipated arrival time, students are free to leave. In these instances the student will not be considered to have violated class attendance policy.

Withdrawal from University

For Personal Reasons: Withdrawal from university for personal reasons (not including medical or military activation) during a semester may be granted to a matriculated student. Personal reasons generally include financial difficulties, family concerns, career exploration, and personal adjustment matters. The request must be made prior to the last ten calendar days of the semester. Undergraduate students must contact the Office of Academic Advising; graduate students must complete the Graduate Studies Uuniversity Withdrawal form and submit to the Graduate Admissions Office. Students who have processed an official university withdrawal or who have withdrawn from all courses through the course withdrawal process without indicating an intent to return relinquish the right to use university services and privileges. A Withdrawal from University (WC) grade notation is recorded on the student’s academic transcript for each course not yet completed. Grades earned in courses completed prior to the effective date of the university withdrawal are noted on the student’s record and count toward semester and cumulative GPAs. Such grades may subject a student to an academic progress review at the end of a semester. Students with cumulative GPAs below 2.0 are subject to academic dismissal from the university as the Academic Progress Standards supersede university withdrawals. Undergraduate students who have not indicated an intent to return or who have been withdrawn for more than one year must apply for readmission; students who are in good academic standing at the time of their withdrawal do not jeopardize readmission.  A student who has not enrolled in any credits for a semester, and has not processed a withdrawal or leave of absence is not considered a continuing student and will be administratively withdrawn from the university.

  • Withdrawal with Intent to Return: Undergraduate students who plan to leave the university and return within one academic year from the semester of withdrawal may request Withdrawal with Intent to Return status. Approved students maintain access to their Plattsburgh email and MyPlattsburgh account during the absence; the technology fee is waived. The authorized withdrawal and its duration are noted on the transcript, and the student in good academic standing may return without formal readmission procedures. Graduate students need not apply for readmission providing the time limitations for degree completion and application of transfer credits or credits acquired in non-matriculated status have not expired; they must file an Intent to Return form with the Graduate Admissions Office to reactivate their status as a matriculated student.

For Medical Reasons: A medical leave of absence for medical or mental health reasons for the current semester and/or future semester may be granted by a Student Health & Counseling Center designee.
Criteria for Leave of Absence

  • A leave of absence for the current semester must be initiated by the last day of the current semester.
  • An assessment by the Student Health & Counseling Center and/or written documentation provided by the treating health care professional that indicates serious medical or mental health problems, significantly affecting the student’s academic studies.
  • Leave of absence documentation for a future semester should be submitted to the Student Health & Counseling Center no later than week 1 of that semester.
  • A medical leave of absence applies only to matriculated students.

Students who have been granted a medical leave of absence relinquish the right to use all university services and privileges, and their status as a leave of absence (LOA), with effective dates, is noted on the transcript. Once the request is processed, a WC (withdrawal from university) grade is recorded on the student’s academic record for each course not yet completed. Grades earned in part-of-term courses completed prior to the effective date of the leave of absence are noted on the student’s record and count toward semester and cumulative GPAs. Such grades may subject a student to the university’s academic progress review at the end of a semester. As a result, students with cumulative GPAs below 2.0 are subject to academic dismissal from the university because academic progress standards override university withdrawal requests. A medical leave of absence is taken into consideration as a factor in readmission decisions for students who were academically dismissed.

For readmission to the university after a medical leave of absence, students are required to submit documentation from their treating health care professional to the Student Health and Counseling Center.  The documentation must include the following information on letterhead:

  • The health care professional’s contact information and license number.
  • Diagnosis, summary of treatment and recommendation to return to academic studies and participation in campus life.

If the student took the leave for mental health reasons, the treating health care professional should also include the following:

  • Does the student currently have suicidal and/or homicidal ideation, plan and/or intent? If yes, please include the current safety plan.
  • The treatment plan going forward. Note that psychiatry services and weekly counseling services may not be available at the Center; consult the Student Health & Counseling Center web page for resources in the Plattsburgh community.

Once the readmission documentation is submitted and approved, undergraduate students must also process a readmission application through the Admissions office, and graduate students must submit an Intent to Return form to the Graduate Admissions office. Readmission applications from students who are in good academic standing at the time of their medical leave of absence will be accepted.  Time limits for completion of degree requirements for graduate programs, however, continue to apply.

For readmission to the university after a medical withdrawal or leave of absence, students are required to present a statement from the university physician, or his or her designee, based on documentation of the attending health care professional, that they are ready to return to university and must meet any time limitations specified in the university withdrawal. Undergraduate students must also process a readmission application through the Admissions Office, and graduate students must submit an Intent to Return form to the Graduate Admissions Office. Students who are in good academic standing at the time of their medical withdrawal or leave of absence do not jeopardize readmission. Time limits for completion of degree requirements for graduate programs continue to apply, however.

For Military Service: A military withdrawal will be granted to any matriculated student who is called to active duty. A copy of the military orders must be submitted to the Office of Academic Advising (for undergraduate students) or the graduate degree program chair/coordinator (for graduate students) to process a military withdrawal. Students returning to the university within three years of the date of discharge from active service or within three years of recovery from an illness or injury incurred during service may be reinstated by contacting the Registrar’s Office (provided the absence from school for active duty does not exceed five years and separation from the service was not dishonorable). Failure to register at SUNY Plattsburgh within these time limits will require undergraduate students on a military withdrawal to apply for readmission through the Admissions Office and graduate students to file an Intent to Return form with the Graduate Admissions Office. The Student Veterans Support coordinator is also available to assist those called to active duty when they need to process a military withdrawal. Please contact the Coordinator at 518-564-4425 for further assistance.

Withdrawal/Leave of Absence with Code of Conduct Charges Pending A withdrawal with unresolved Code of Conduct Charges will be noted on the transcript, as “Withdrew with Code of Conduct Charges Pending.”  If a student withdraws with Code of Conduct Charges Pending, that student must complete the judicial review process prior to readmission.

Mandatory Leave: In case of mandatory leave, please refer to the Mandatory Leave Policy.

World Language Course Placement

Students interested in studying a foreign language should register for a course level that allows them to build on what they have learned previously. Students who have never studied a particular foreign language, or have completed two years or fewer in middle or high school, should choose a 111 course. Students with three or more years of language study will not be admitted to this level and should enroll in the 112 course. Those who have completed a semester of foreign language in university should enroll in 112. Students who have had two years or fewer of high school foreign language who have not taken university level language courses and wish to be placed beyond a level of language commensurate with their high school transcripts, may take a non-credit placement assessment for French or Spanish.

Students who are found to be prepared for a 112 course based on their high school course work or performance on the placement assessment administered by the Modern Languages and Cultures Department will receive a notation on their transcript indicating that they have satisfied the appropriate 111 course. Those who are found to be prepared for a 213 course will receive a notation on their transcript indicating that they have satisfied the appropriate 112 course. No degree credit is awarded for prior competency or placement by exam.

Students who have been awarded foreign language credits at a community college or another four-year university cannot be awarded additional credits for equivalent courses at Plattsburgh. Questions regarding the language proficiency policy should be directed to the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, 518-564-3829.