Preliminary 2025-2026 University Catalog 1 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Social Work Department
Contact Us
Chairperson: Julie Richards
Phone: 518-564-4181
Graduate Program Director: Julie Piepenbring
Phone: 518-564-6041
The Social Work programs prepare students for generalist and advanced generalist professional practice in a wide range of agencies, including social services, health, mental health, developmental disabilities, education, aging, youth services, addictions, and related organizations and government. We offer both an undergraduate Bachelor of Science program (B.S) and a graduate Master of Science in social work (M.S.W) program.
Social Work, B.S. Program
Mission: The mission of the social work Bachelor of Science program at SUNY Plattsburgh is to prepare competent and effective generalist social work professional practitioners, whose knowledge base includes the profession’s history, purposes, and philosophy, and whose values include service, social justice, dignity and worth of each human being, self-determination, integrity, importance of human relationships, competence, human rights, and scientific inquiry. This program prepares social work practitioners who are grounded in an empowerment orientation to practice, and to the promotion of tangible hope in work with communities, organizations, groups, families, and individuals, towards the goal of advancing social and economic justice for all populations served in professional practice.
The program is fully accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE).
The undergraduate social work program is completed in the junior and senior years. The curriculum includes both course work and an agency-based field internship under professional supervision. During the first year and sophomore year, social work students complete a liberal arts base that includes the General Education requirements and a minimum of 57 credits.
Both SUNY Plattsburgh students and transfer students may apply for admission to the social work program. Transfer students apply through the university’s admissions office. Junior year curriculum eligibility requirements include substantial completion of SUNY Plattsburgh’s General Education program, or its equivalent as determined by admissions. Students must have completed: SOC 101, PSY 101, MAT 161, BIO 100 or BIO 103 (human biology), PSC 100 or PSC 240 and one of the following GWS 101, SOC 305, or HIS 303 and a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.
Transfer credit for courses taken at another accredited social work program will be granted to prevent duplication of academic content. Procedures for granting transfer credit for courses from other accredited baccalaureate social work programs are detailed in the Program Manual, available in Ward Hall, main office and online. Transfer courses from unaccredited programs will only be considered for SWK 260 - Introduction to Social Welfare (3 cr.) in those instances in which a formal articulation agreement exists. No academic credit for life experience or previous work experience will be granted under any circumstances.
Practicum and internship candidates are expected to follow the external and professional practicum guidelines appropriate to their discipline (please refer to specific department/program student/internship manual for details).
Successful completion of the social work program leads to the Bachelor of Science with a major in social work. Students earning this degree are recognized as BSWs within the profession of social work and are eligible for membership in the National Association of Social Workers.
Social Work, M.S.W. Program
Mission:To prepare students as clinical practitioners by providing both generalist and specialized knowledge in health and well-being and the skills to engage with individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities as an agent and facilitator of change. Grounded in scientific inquiry and using specialized skills and interdisciplinary knowledge, graduates will be prepared to practice with a commitment to social work values. The program will promote justice, respect for diversity and ethical decision making in practice, policy making and service delivery to improve the well-being of the greater community and its diverse members and constituencies.
This program is in candidacy status for accreditation by the Commission on Social Work Education (CSWE); the initial accreditation decision by the CSWE Board of Accreditation is scheduled for June 2025. Upon approval of accreditation, students who enter the program in Fall 2024 will be identified as having graduated from a CSWE accredited program.
Admissions requirements to the M.S.W. are as follows:
Bachelor’s degree in a related field
Evidence of a 3.0 undergraduate GPA (as shown on the undergraduate transcript)
3 Letters of recommendation
A Statement of Purpose indicating why you want to enter this specific program
Attendance at a virtual interview, if requested.
Admissions requirements for Advanced Standing in the M.S.W. Program are:
Bachelor’s degree in social work from a CSWE accredited program
Evidence of a 3.0 a 3.0 undergraduate GPA (as shown on the undergraduate transcript)
3 Letters of recommendation
A Statement of Purpose indicating why you want to enter this specific program.
Attendance at a virtual interview, if requested.
Janet Acker (M.S., Columbia University)
Associate Professors:
Julie Richards (Ph.D., Clemson University)
Kim McCoy Coleman (MSW, University of Illinois at Chicago)
Maureen Rotondi (MSW, SUNY at Albany)
Donna Van Alst (DSW, University of the District of Columbia)
Assistant Professors:
Chenique Boutelle (MSW, Springfield College)
Heather Fronckowiak (MSW, SUNY at Albany)
Julie Piepenbring (Ph.D, Fordham University)
Joseph Twumasi-Ankrah (Ph.D. Indiana University of Pennsylvania-Main Campus)
Patricia Weldon (Ph.D. SUNY at Albany)
Penny McQuinn (M.A., SUNY Albany)
ProgramsMajors (Undergraduate)Graduate ProgramsCertificates (Undergraduate)