Feb 10, 2025  
2021-2022 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog 
2021-2022 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


SUNY Distinguished Faculty

Mohamed Gaber
Lise Heroux
Timothy Mihuc

Nancy Elwess
Diane Fine
David Franzi
Chuo-Hsuan Lee
Richard Robbins


Departmental affiliations of each faculty member are listed after their names below. For more information on faculty members’ academic disciplines and teaching/research specialties see individual department web pages at www.plattsburgh.edu.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Saroj Adhikari
Assistant Professor, Physics
B.S., Univ. of Central Arkansas; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University (2016)

Ryan Alexander
Associate Professor, History
B.A., Willamette Univ., Oregon; M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of Arizona

Mary Alldred
Assistant Professor, Earth & Environmental Science
B.S., University of Notre Dame; Ph.D., Stony Brook University (2015)

Portia Allie-Turco
Lecturer, Counselor Education
B.A., Univ. of South Africa; M.S., SUNY Plattsburgh (2005)

Deborah Altamirano
Associate Professor, Anthropology
A.B., Univ. of California at Berkeley; M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of California at Santa Barbara (1993)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2006) 
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Faculty Service (2011)

Kathryn Rose Alton
Lecturer, Childhood Education
B.A., SUNY Brockport; M.A., SUNY Geneseo (2012)

Sharimila Ambrose
Assistant Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders
B.S., Univ. of Wales Institute Cardiff, United Kingdom; Ph.D., Univ. of Canterbury, New Zealand (2016)

Siavash Amon
Lecturer, Biological Sciences
B.S., Waterloo University; M.S., Ph.D. McMaster University, Hamilton Ontario

Nana Ankrah
Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
B.S., Univ. of Ghana, Ph.D., University of Tennessee (2015)

Isabel Arredondo
Professor, Modern Languages and Culture
M.A., Univ. of Madrid; Ph.D., Univ. of California-Berkeley (1992)

Genie Babb
Professor, English
B.A., Baylor University M.A., Ph.D., Brown University (1992)

Aimee Baker
Lecturer, English
B.A., St. Lawrence University; M.A., Arizona State Univ. (2008)

Cristian Balan
Lecturer, Management, Information Systems & Analytics
B.A., C.A.S. and M.S.T., SUNY Plattsburgh (2003) 

Kenneth Baldwin
Associate Professor, Sport & Wellness
B.S., Bentley College; M.A., Lesley Univ. (2000)

Maiko Barcomb
Assistant Professor, Journalism and Public Relations
B.S., SUNY Plattsburgh; M.S. Simon Graduate School of Business (2010)

Renee J. Bator
Professor, Psychology
B.A., Univ. of California at Santa Cruz; M.A., Ph.D., Arizona State Univ. (1997)

Anna Battigelli
Professor, English
B.A., Univ. of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; M.A., Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Ph.D., Univ. of Michigan (1987)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2006)

Mark Beatham
Associate Professor, Teacher Education
B.Sc., Ohio Univ.; M.Ed., Ed.D. Univ. of Cincinnati (1991)

Joshua Beatty
Associate Librarian
B.A., Univ. of Rhode Island; M.A., William and Mary; MLIS, Univ. of Pittsburgh; Ph.d., William and Mayr (2014)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Librarianship (2017)

Sylvie Beaudreau
Associate Professor, History
B.A., Concordia Univ.; M.A., Ph.D., York Univ. (1992)

Mark Beaulieu
Associate Professor, Criminal Justice
B.S., Ph.D., SUNY Albany (2004)

Karen Becker
Professor, Music
B.M., Eastman School of Music; M.M., Julliard School; D.M.A., Univ. of Wisonsin (2004)

Ona Belser
Assistant Professor, Human Development and Family Relations
B.A., M.S., SUNY Plattsburgh (1983), Ph.D., Univ. of Albany (2012)

Karen Blough
Professor, Art
B.A., Barnard College; M.A., Ph.D., Rutgers Univ. (1995) 
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2012)

Michelle Bonati
Assistant Professor, Teacher Education, Graduate MSEd. Program
B.S., M.A., University of Arizona; Ph.D., Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2014)

Anne Bongiorno
Professor, Nursing
B.S.N., Norwich Univ.; M.S., Univ. of Vermont; Ph.D., Duquesne Univ. (2003)

Wendy L. Braje
Associate Professor, Psychology
B.A., Hope College; Ph.D., Univ. of Minnesota (1997)

Jennifer A. Bremser
Associate Professor, Psychology
Ph.D., SUNY at Albany (2011)

Neil Buckley
Associate Professor, Biological Sciences
B.Sc., M.Sc., University College Cork (Ireland); Ph.D., Univ. of Oklahoma (1994)

Andrew S. Buckser
Professor, Anthropology
B.A., Harvard Univ.; M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of California - Berkeley (1993)

Jeffrey Bullins
Associate Professor, Communication
B.F.A., Univ. of North Carolina; M.F.A., Savanna College of Art and Design (2008)

Michael Burgess
Associate Professor, Biology
B.A., Univ. of New Hampshire; M.S., Univ. of New England; Ph.D. Univ. of Maine (2010)

Jinrui Cao
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
B.S. Dalian Jiaotong University (2013); M.S. Hong Kong Baptist University (2014); M.S. New Mexico State University (2018)

Vincent Carey
Professor, History
B.A., M.A., National Univ. of Ireland; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook (1991)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2003)

Raymond Carman
Associate Professor, Political Science
B.A., Niagara Univ.; M.A., Binghamton Univ.; Ph.D., Binghamton Univ., (2014)

John Chambers
Lecturer, Communications
B.A., University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (1989)

Laci Charette
Associate Professor, Psychology
B.A., SUNY Plattsburgh; M.A., C.A.S., Psy.D., Alfred Univ. (2007)

Suzannah Chatlos
Assistant Professor, Psychology
B.A., Hamilton College; M.A., Duquesne University (2014)

Kwangseek Choe
Professor, Supply Chain Management and International Business
B.A., Myongi Univ. (Korea); M.B.A., Indiana Univ. of Pennsylvania; Ph.D., Kent State Univ. (1993)

Nandeo Choony
Lecturer, Chemistry
M.S., Brunel University, Ph.D., University of Surrey (2000)

Robert L. Christopherson
Professor, Economics & Finance
B.A., M.A., Central Michigan Univ.; Ph.D., Wayne State Univ. (1990)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2007)

Andrew Christy
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Ph.D. Texas A&M Univ. (2018)

Elie M. Chrysostome
Professor, Supply Chain Management and International Business
B.B.A., M.B.A., National Univ. of Benin; Ph.D., Laval Univ. (2000)

Tracie Church-Guzzio
Professor, English
B.A., M.A., Univ. of Nevada Las Vegas; Ph.D., Ohio Univ. (1999)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2008)

Monica Ciobanu
Professor, Criminal Justice
B.A., Univ. of Bucharest (Romania); M.A., Ph.D., New School for Social Research (2005)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities (2015)

Karina Ckless
Professor, Chemistry
B.S., Univ. of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Brazil); Ph.D., Federal Univ. of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) (1995)
Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities (2018)

Timothy J. Clukey
Professor, Communication Studies
B.A., SUNY Plattsburgh; M.S., Corporate Communications (1999)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2016)

Elizabeth Cohen
Associate Professor, English
B.A., Univ. of Mexico; M.A., Temple Univ.; MFA, Columbia Univ. (1990)

Kim J. Coleman
Assistant Professor, Earth & Environmental Science
B.A., M.A., Univ. of Vermont, Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ. (2016)

Erica Cook
Lecturer, Communication Sciences & Disorders
B.A, M.A., SUNY Plattsburgh (2007)

Gillian Crane-Kramer
Assistant Professor, Anthropology
B.A., Univ. of Western Ontario; M.A., Univ. of Toronto; Ph.D., Univ. of Calgary (2000)
Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2012)

Dexter Criss
Professor, Chemistry
B.A., Delta State Univ.; M.A., Ph.D., Mississippi State Univ. (1998) 
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2005)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Faculty Service (2013)

Jill Crombie-Borgos
Assistant Professor, Nursing
B.S., Boston College; M.S., Univ. of Michigan; Ph.D., Univ. of Albany (2013)

Marie Cusson
Associate Professor, Modern Languages and Cultures
B.A., Univ. of Toronto, Université Laval; M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of Toronto (1997)

 Stephen Danna
Dean of Branch Campus
B.A., Maryville College, M.S., Old Dominion Univ., Ed.D., Sage Graduate School (2011)

Julia Davis
Associate Professor, Counselor Education
B.A., Univ. Wien (Austria); M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of Northern Colorado (2000)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2017)

Ronald Davis
Professor, Journalism and Public Relations
B.A., Mercer Univ.; Ph.D., Univ. of North Carolina (1975)

Paul Deal
Assistant Professor, Counselor Education
B.A., Eastern Univ.; M.S., Ph.D., Loyola Univ. (2014)

Alison Della Bitta
Associate Professor, Art
B.F.A., Univ. of North Carolina; M.F.A.; Purchase College (2007)

Vera Delorme
Lecturer, Communication Sciences and Disorders
M.A., SUNY Plattsburgh (1990)

Mustafa Demir
Associate Professor, Criminal Justice
B.A., Turkish National Police Academcy; M.A., John Jay College; Ph.D., Rutgers State Univ. (2016)

Ilhan Demirer
Associate Professor, Hospitality Management
B.S., Univ. in Ankara, Turkey; M.S. and Ph.D., Texas Tech. Univ. (2013)

Jose de Ondarza
Professor, Biological Sciences
B.S., M.S., Pennsylvania State Univ.; Ph.D., Michigan State Univ. (1996)

Deborah Jay DeSilva
Associate Professor, Communication Studies
B.A., Pace Univ.; M.A., SUNY Albany (1983)

Michael Devine
Associate Professor, English
B.A., The Catholic Univ. of America M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of California (2011)
Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2018)

John (Jack) Downs
Lecturer, Journalism and Public Relations
B.A., Cornell Univ. (1984)

Kolleen Duley
Assistant Professor, Gender and Women’s Studies
M.S., J.D., Ph.D., University of California

Katherine Dunham
Associate Professor, Psychology
B.Sc., M.Sc., Dalhousie Univ.; Ph.D., Univ. of Windsor (1997)

Angela Durant
Assistant Professor, Nutrition and Dietetics
B.S., Northern Arizona Univ.; M.S., Univ. of New Haven (2007)

Richard Durant
Associate Professor, Psychology
B.A., SUNY Empire State College; M.S., Antioch Univ. New England; Ph.D., Antioch Univ. New England (2011)

Lauren Eastwood
Professor, Sociology
B.A., Rollins College; M.A., Ph.D., Syracuse Univ. (2002)

Nancy Elwess
Professor, Biological Sciences
B.S., Eastern Illinois Univ.; M.A., Governors State Univ.; M.S., Purdue Univ.; Ph.D., Univ. of Vermont (1994)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2004) 
National Assoc. of Biology Teachers Four-Year College Biology Research/ Teaching Award (2005)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Faculty Service (2012) 
SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor

Peter Ensel III
Associate Professor, Communication Studies
B.A., SUNY Plattsburgh; M.S., Boston Univ. (1985)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2008)

Diane Fine
SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor, Art
B.F.A., Syracuse Univ.; M.F.A., Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison (1988) 
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2000)

Oscar Flores
Lecturer, Modern Languages and Cultures
B.A., Universidad Autonoma de Nicaragua; M.A., Universidad Autonoma Chapino-Mexico (1984)

George Flynn
Professor, Mathematics
B.S., M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Ph.D., Washington Univ. (1982)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activity (2008)

Jill Folsom
Assistant Professor, Nursing
B.S., SUNY Plattsburgh; M.S., Drexel Univ. (2011)

David Franzi
SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor, Earth and Environmental Science
B.A., Eastern Connecticut State College; M.S., Miami Univ.; Ph.D., Syracuse Univ. (1984) 
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (1997)

Thomas Friedrich
Associate Professor, English
B.A., St. Olaf College; M.A., Northeastern Univ.; Ph.D., Univ. of Minnesota (2008)

Martha Frost
Professor, Human Development and Family Relations
B.S., M.S., Ed.D., Univ. of Kentucky (1977)

Colin Fuss
Assistant Professor, Earth & Environmental Science
B.S., Cornell University; M.S., Ph.D., Syracuse University (2014)

Mohamed Gaber
SUNY Distinguished Service Professor, Accounting
B.Com, The Higher Institute of Commerce (Egypt); M.S., Cairo Univ.; M.B.A., Baruch College of City Univ. of New York; M. Phil., Graduate School and Univ. Center of City Univ. of New York; Ph.D., Baruch College of City Univ. of New York (1985)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2001)

Ashley Gambino
Associate Professor, Communication Sciences & Disorders
B.A. SUNY Plattsburgh (2004); M.A. University at Buffalo (2007); Doctor of Audiology, University at Buffalo (2008)

Samy Garas
Associate Professor, Accounting
B.S., Ain Shams Univ.; M.S., University of Phoenix; Ph.D., University of St. Gallen (2010)

Danielle Garneau
Associate Professor, Earth & Environmental Science
B.S., Villanova Univ.; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State Univ. (2005)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2013)

Jeffrey Gauthier
Assistant Professor, Management Information Systems & Analytics
M.A., Univ. of Connecticut, Ph.D., University of Massachusetts-Amherst (2014)

Amy Gervich
Lecturer, Teacher Education
B.A., Stonehill College, MA; M.S., Univ. of Bridgeport, CT.

Curt Gervich
Associate Professor, Earth and Environmental Science
B.S., Emory Univ.; M.S., Univ. of Bridgeport (2001)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Faculty Service (2020)

Zahra Gharibi
Assistant Professor, Management Information Systems & Analytics
B.S., Sharif University of Technology, Iran; M.S., Ph.D.,Southern Methodist University, TX (2018)

JoAnn Gleeson-Kreig
Professor, Nursing
B.S., Russell Sage College; M.S., Univ. of North Dakota; Ph.D., Univ. of Connecticut (2004)

Alyssa Gleichsner
Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
B.S., Penn State Eric, The Behrend College; Ph.D., Purdue University (2017)

Andrew Goerlitz
Associate Professor, Art
B.A., SUNY Plattsburgh; M.F.A., Univ. of Maryland at College Park (2003)

Ariel Goodman
Assistant Professor, Counselor Education
B.A., University of Michigan; M.A., Johnson State College; PhD., University of Montana (2019)

Daniel Gordon
Professor, Music
B.M., Syracuse; Vermeil Medal, National Conservatory of Bordeaux Region (France); M.M., Univ. of Colorado (1993)

Wendy Gordon
Professor, History
B.A., Hamline Univ., Minnesota; MA., Ph.D., Univ. of Strathclyde (Scotland), Central Michigan Univ. (1999)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2014)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Faculty Service (2021)

Richard Gottschall
Associate Professor, Marketing & Entrepreneurship
B.A., Juniata College; MBA, School of Global Management; Ph.D., Concordia Univ. (2014)

Jeremy Grabbe
Associate Professor, Psychology
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Akron (2003)

Jorunn Gran-Henriksen
Associate Professor, Nutrition and Dietetics
B.A., M.S., Univ. of Vermont (1988)

Kathy Grant
Professor, Education
B.S., SUNY Oswego; M.A., Binghamton Univ.; Ed.D., Univ. of Montana (2002)

Cecilia Gregoire
Assistant Professor, Nutrition and Dietetics
B.A., Muskingum College; M.S., Ph.D., Univ. of Vermont (2001)

Erika Guay
Associate Professor, Theatre
B.A., Gettysburgh College M.F.A., Univ. of North Carolina Greensboro (2010)

Zakir Gul
Associate Professor, Criminal Justice
B.A., Security Sciences Faculty Turkish National Univ.; M.A., Ph.D, Kent State Univ. (2009)

Mark Gultek
Professor, Hospitality Management
B.S. Uludag Univ. (Turkey); M.S., Ph.D., Texas Tech Univ. (2003)

Salvadore Gutierrez
Associate Professor, Computer Science
B.S., Universidad Anahuac (Mexico); M.S., SUNY Binghamton; Ph.D., Centro de Investigacion en Matematicas (Mexico) (2001)

Wanda Haby
Lecturer, Supply Chain Management & International Business
B.S., and M.S. Wayland Baptist Univ.; Ph.D., University of the Incarnate Word, TX

Sarah Hackett
Lecturer, Education
B.S., M.A., M.S. Ed., SUNY Plattsburgh (2007)

Bridget Haina
Assistant Professor, Communication
B.A., Univ. at Albany; M.S. Syracuse Univ. (2012)

Shannon Hanshaw
Associate Professor, Nursing
B.S., Russell Sage College; M.S. Sage Graduate School; Ph.D., SUNY Buffalo (2014)

Delbert Hart
Professor, Computer Science
B.A., SUNY Plattsburgh; M.S., Ph.D., Washington Univ. in St. Louis (2000)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Faculty Service (2014)

W. Kim Hartshorn
Professor, Theatre
B.A., Michigan Technological Univ.; M.F.A., Michigan State Univ. (1982)

Holly Heller-Ross
B.A., SUNY Plattsburgh; M.L.S., SUNY Albany (1987)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Librarianship (2000)

Casey Henley
Assistant Professor, Expeditionary Studies
A.S., Mount Royal College; Univ. College of the Cariboo (Canada) (1995)

Stephen C. Henry
Associate Professor, Economics & Finance
B.B.A., Ph.D, Univ. of Georgia (1999)

Svetlana Henry
Lecturer, Economics & Finance
M.A., Moscow State University (1993); M.S., Ph.D., Wichita State University (2000)

Lise Heroux
SUNY Distinguished Service Professor, Marketing & Entrepreneurship
B.B.A., Univ. of Miami; M.B.A, McGill Univ.; Ph.D., Concordia Univ. (1987) 
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (1999)

Magdalena Hertel
Lecturer, Communication Disorders and Sciences
M.A., Univ. of Gdansk; M.A., SUNY Plattsburgh (2007)

Craig M. Hoag
Associate Professor, Chemistry
B.S., Metropolitan State Univ. of Denver; M.S., Ph.D., Univ. of Florida (2000)

Emily Hoeh
Assistant Professor, Education
B.A., M.S., Daemen College (2006)

Greta Hoffmann
Lecturer, Mathematics
B.A., SUNY Plattsburgh; M.S., Clarkson Univ. (1996)

Jeff Hornibrook
Professor, History
B.A., St. Cloud State Univ.; M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of Minnesota (1996)
​SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2020)

Nancy Hughes
Lecturer, Human Development & Family Relations
B.A., Univ. of New Hampshire; M.S., SUNY Plattsburgh (1983)

Jean Ann Hunt
Associate Professor, Teacher Education
B.A., Michigan State Univ., M.Ed., Ohio Univ. (1989); Ed D., National - Louise Univ. (2006)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2012)

Inmaculada Ibanez Casas
Assistant Professor, Psychology
B.S., Univ. of Granada & Bangor Univ.; M.S. & Ph.D., University of Granada (2011)

Gerald Isaak
Associate Professor, Expeditionary Studies
B.A., Sports Ministry; M.S., Univ., of Edinburgh (2011)

Kirsten Isgro
Associate Professor, Communication
B.A., M.A., Ohio State; Ph.D., Univ. of Massachusetts (2006)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2017)

Fernando Iturburu
Professor, Modern Languages & Cultures
M.A., Universite de Paris-VIII St. Denis (France); M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of Oregon (1998)

Laurent Josien
Associate Professor, Marketing & Entrepreneurship
M.B.A., Southeastern Louisiana Univ.; M.S., Louisiana State Univ.; Ph.D., Louisiana Tech Univ. (2008)

 Cheryl Kabeli
Assistant Professor, Nursing
B.S., American Internation College; M.S., Thomas Jefferson Univ., Western Kentucky Univ. (2001)

Mark Kaiser
Lecturer, Accounting
B.S., M.B.A., Clarkson University (1980); CPA, New York

El-Sayed Hussein Ahmed Kandiel
Associate Professor, Accounting
B.Comm., Helwan Univ. (Egypt); M.S., Ain-Shams Univ. (Egypt); M.B.A., M. Phil., Ph.D., Baruch College, City Univ. of New York (1985)

Robert Keever
Associate Professor, Mathematics
B.A., SUNY Oneonta; Ph.D., Univ. of Edinburgh (1989)

Randy Kelley
Assistant Professor, Nursing
B.S., SUNY Plattsburgh; M.S. and DNP in Leadership and Management, Walden University (2014)

Lauren Kiefer
Assistant Professor, English
B.A., Stanford Univ.; Ph.D., Cornell Univ. (1994)

Debra Kimok
Associate Librarian
B.A., SUNY Plattsburgh; M.L.S., SUNY Buffalo (2000)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Librarianship (2009)

Lisabeth Kissner
Lecturer, Physics
B.S., M.A., SUNY Plattsburgh (2003)

Patrick Korths
Lecturer, Center Earth & Environmental Science
B.A., Univ. of Rochester; M.S., Syracuse Univ. (2006)

Ty Kretser
Lecturer, Physics
B.S., St. Lawrence Univ.; M.A., Univ. of Michigan; M.S., SUNY Plattsburgh

Gary Kroll
Professor, History
B.A., Florida International Univ.; M.A., Univ. of Florida; Ph.D., Univ. of Oklahoma (2000) 
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Faculty Service (2008)

 Daniel Lake
Associate Professor, Political Science
B.A., Univ. of Wisconsin; M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of California (2004)

Chiranjivi Lamsal
Assistant Professor, Physics
M.A., Southern Illinois Univ.; Ph.D., New Jersey Institute of Technology (2015)

Heather LaPoint
Assistant Professor, Nursing
A.A.S., Clinton Community College; A.A., Brevard Community College; B.S., M.S.; University of Central Florida (2013)

Chuo-Hsuan Lee
Professor, Accounting
B.S., M.A., National Chiao Tung Univ. (Taiwan); Ph.D., Kent State Univ. (2003)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2011)
SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor

Colleen Lemza
Professor, Journalism and Public Relations
B.A., SUNY Plattsburgh; M.S., Syracuse Univ.; M.S., SUNY Plattsburgh (2001)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2014)

Margaret Leone
Lecturer, Modern Language and Cultures
B.A., Niagara Univ.; M.A., Univ. of Rochester; Ph.D., McGill Univ. (2013)

Mark Lesser
Assistant Professor, Earth & Environmental Science
B.A., Univ. of Kings College; B.S. & M.S., Lakehead University; Ph.D., University of Wyoming (2011)

Susan Lezon
Associate Professor, Art
B.F.A., Emerson College; M.F.A., Univ. of Massachusetts/Hampshire College (1982)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2011)

Stephen Light
Professor, Sociology
B.A., SUNY Cortland; M.A., C.A.S., Ph.D., SUNY Albany (1987)

James Liszka
Professor, Philosophy
B.S., Indiana Univ. of Pennsylvania M.A., Univ. of South Carolina Ph.D., New School for Social Research (1978)

Justin Lowry
Assistant Professor, Anthropology
B.S., B.A., University of Miami; M.A., & Ph.D., SUNY Albany (2013)

Sean Lutz
Lecturer, Chemistry
B.S., Univ. Of Southern Indiana; Ph.D., Indiana Univ. Bloomington (2020)

Donald Maier
Associate Professor, Philosophy
B.A., Bowling Green State Univ.; M.A., Southern Illinois Univ. at Edwardsville; Ph.D., Southern Illinois Univ. at Carbondale (1992)

Martin Mailloux
Lecturer, Computer Science
B.A., HEC Montreal; M.S., Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2009)

J. Stephen Mansfield 
Professor, Psychology

B.S., Univ. of St. Andrews (Scotland); Ph.D., Univ. of Oxford (England) (1990)

Lucia Manzi
Assistant Professor, Political Science
B.A., & M.A., Universita degli Studi di Milano; M.A., Univ. of Notre Dame (2014)

Steven Maynard
Associate Professor, Expeditionary Studies
Level 3, Level 5, British Canoe Union (1999)

Cynthia McCarty
Lecturer, Teacher Education
B.A., M.S.Ed., SUNY Plattsburgh (1996)

Kim McCoy Coleman
Assistant Professor, Social Work
B.A., SUNY Geneseo; M.A., Univ. of Illinois at Chicago; Ph.D., McGill Univ. (2016)

Charles McCoy
Associate Professor, Sociology
B.A., McGill Univ.; M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of Virginia ( 2013)

Kevin McCullen
Associate Professor, Computer Science
B.A., Purdue Univ.; M.S., Clarkson; Ph.D., Univ. of Florida (2006)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2021)

John McMahon
Assistant Professor, Political Science
B.A.& M.A., Univ. of Denver;  Ph.D., Univ of New York (2016)

Penny McQuinn
Lecturer, Social Work
B.A., Southern Wesleyan Univ.; M.A.,School of Social Welfare SUNY Albany (2013)

Ben Medeiros
Assistant Professor, Communication Studies
B.A., Franklin & Marshall College; M.A., New York University; Ph.D., University of California - San Diego (2016)

Shawna B. Mefferd Kelty
Associate Professor, Theatre
B.A., Univ. of Nebraska; M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of Missouri (2009)

Timothy B. Mihuc
Distinguished Service Professor, Earth and Environmental Science
B.S., Oral Roberts Univ.; M.S., Oklahoma State Univ.; Ph.D., Idaho State Univ. (1994) 
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activity (2007) 
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Faculty Service (2015)

Akanksha Misra
Assistant Professor, Gender and Women’s Studies
M.A., Sabanci Univ.

Thomas Moffett
Lecturer, Chemistry
B.S., M.S., Clarkson Univ. (1999)

Zareef A. Mohammed
Assistant Professor, Management, Information Systems & Analytics
B.S., London Metropolitan Univ.; M.S., Ph.D., Nova Southeastern Univ. (2017)

Christopher Morales
Lecturer, Computer Science
B.S., SUNY Plattsburgh; Ph.D., Stony Brook Univ. (2015)

Michael Morales
Associate Professor, Psychology
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of California, Riverside (1995)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2005)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Faculty Service (2017)

Michael Morgan
Professor, Communication
Disorders and Sciences B.S., Phillips Univ.; M.S., Ph.D., Wichita State Univ. (1992)

Jeffrey Moss
Assistant Professor, Criminal Justice
B.S., M.S., Fairmont State University (2007)

Amy Mountcastle
Associate Professor, Anthropology
B.S., Virginia Commonwealth Univ.; M.A., Ph.D., Rutgers Univ. (1997)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Faculty Service (2016)

Gordon D. Muir
Associate Librarian
B.A., Vanderbilt Univ.; M.L.S., Peabody College of Vanderbilt Univ. (1981)

Shawn W. Murphy
Professor, Journalism and Public Relations
B.A., Plymouth State Univ.; M.A., Northeastern Univ. (1991)

Glenn E. Myer
Professor, Physics
B.S., SUNY Plattsburgh; M.S., Ph.D., SUNY Albany (1971)

Jessamyn Neuhaus
Professor, History
B.A., M.A., College of Wooster; Ph.D., Claremont Graduate Univ. (2001)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2013)

Brian Neureuther
Professor, Business and Supply Chain Management
B.A., SUNY Geneseo; M.B.A., Wright State Univ.; Ph.D., Texas Tech Univ. (1999)

Sam Northshield
Professor, Mathematics
B.S., Marlboro College; M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of Rochester (1989)

Elin O’Hara-Gonya
Associate Librarian
B.A., American Univ.; M.L.S., Southern Connecticut State Univ.; M.S., SUNY Plattsburgh (2013)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Librarianship (2015)

Elizabeth Onasch
Assistant Professor, Sociology
B.A., Franklin and Marshall College; M.A., Ph.D., Northwestern Univ. (2014)

Kevin R. O’Neill
Associate Professor, Business and Supply Chain Management
B.A., Univ. of California at Irvine; M.P.A., Ph.D., SUNY Albany (1993)

Elaine Ostry
Associate Professor, English
B.A., Univ. of Alberta; M.A., Dalhousie Univ.; Ph.D., Univ. of Toronto (1998)

Michelle M. Ouellette
Associate Professor, Public Relations
B.A., Univ. of Colorado, Boulder; M.S., Univ. at Albany (2005)
Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2018)

Connie Oxford
Associate Professor, Gender and Women’s Studies
B.A., Univ. of Georgia; M.A., Univ. of Memphis; Ph.D., Univ. of Pittsburgh (2006)

Suyeon Park
Associate Professor, Criminal Justice
B.A., M.A., Ewha Women’s Univ., Seoul; Ph.D., Michigan State Univ. MI

Joel Parker
Professor, Biological Sciences
B.A., Univ. of Oregon; Ph.D., Arizona State Univ. (1999)

John Parmelee
Lecturer, Hospitality Management
B.S., Cornell Univ.; M.S., Elmira College (1996)

Nancy A. Parri
Lecturer, Chemistry
B.S., (1985); M.S., SUNY Plattsburgh (1993)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2013)

Razvan Pascalau
Associate Professor, Economics and Finance
B.A., Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest; M.S., Doctoral School of Finance and Banking, Bucharest; M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of Alabama (2008)

Ewa Pater
Associate Professor, Chemistry
M.A., Technical Univ. of Wroclaw (Poland); Ph.D., SUNY Buffalo (1997)

William Peters
Associate Professor, Criminal Justice
A.B., Univ. of Illinois-Urbana; J.D., Northern Illinois Univ.; LL.M., Judge Advocate General’s School of the Army; LL.M., Univ. of Virginia (2005)

Kameliia Petrova
Professor, Economics and Finance
B.A., Univ. of National and World Economy (Bulgaria); M.A., Ph.D., Boston College (2006)

William Pfaff
Professor, Music
B.A., M.A., Univ. of New Hampshire; Ph.D., Brandeis Univ. (1994)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2013)

Jamar Pickreign
Professor, Education
B.S., SUNY Cortland; M.S.Ed., Ph.D., Univ. of Kansas (1996)

Jan A. Plaza
Associate Professor, Computer Science
M.S., Warsaw Univ. (Poland); Ph.D., City Univ. of New York (1990)

Kenneth Podolak
Associate Professor, Physics
B.S., Rochester Institute of Technology; M.Ed., Ph.D., Pennsylvania State Univ. (2008)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2016)

W. David Powell
Associate Professor, Art
B.F.A., Univ. of Georgia; M.F.A., Vermont College (2002)

Thomas G. Powell
Associate Professor, Mathematics
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of Missouri (1982)

Nancy Price
Assistant Professor, Earth and Environmental Science
B.S., Stockton University; M.S., University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Ph.D., University of Maine (2012)

Janet Puhalla
Lecturer, Geography
B.A., Ohio State Univ., M.S., Ph.D., Univ. of Florida

Alison Puliatte
Associate Professor, Teacher Education
B.A., M.S.Ed., CUNY Queens College (2004) Ph.D., CUNY Graduate Center (2015)

Dhimitri Qirjo
Associate Professor, Economics and Finance
B.Sc., Univ. of Thessaloniki (Greece); M.S., Florida Atlantic Univ.; Ph.D., Florida International Univ. (2010)

Gregory Quenell
Associate Profesor, Mathematics
B.A., Harvard; Ph.D., Univ. of Southern California (1992)

Rohit Rampal
Professor, Management Information Systems and Analytics
B.E., Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology (India); M.B.A., Panjab Univ. (India); Ph.D., Oklahoma State Univ. (1999)

Shakuntala Rao
Professor, Communication Studies
B.A., Univ. of Delhi (India); M.A., Univ. of Pennsylvania at Bloomsburg; Ph.D., Univ. of Massachusetts (1993)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities (2013)

Colin Read
Professor, Economics and Finance
B.S., Simon Fraser Univ.; M.B.A., Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks; Master of Accountancy in Taxation, Univ. of Tulsa; J.D., Univ. of Connecticut; M.A., Ph.D., Queen’s Univ.

Robert Reams
Associate Professor, Mathematics
B.A., Trinity College (Ireland); M.A., Ph.D., Univ. College Dublin (Ireland) (1994)

Sandra Rezac
Associate Professor, Sociology
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln (1997)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Faculty Service (2019) 

Scott Reznick
Assistant Professor, English
Ph.D. Boston College (2018)

Mark Richard
Professor, History; Canadian Studies
A.B., Bowdoin College; M.A., Univ. of Maine; Ph.D., Duke Univ. (2001)

Julie Richards
Associate Professor
M.A., McGill Univ.; Ph.D., Clemson Univ. (2015)

Richard H. Robbins
SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor, Anthropology
B.A., Rutgers Univ.; M.A., New York Univ.; Ph.D., Univ. of North Carolina
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (1977)
American Anthropological Association/MacGraw Hill Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (2005)

Edwin Romanowicz
Professor, Earth and Environmental Science
B.Sc., B.A., Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; M.Sc., Ph.D., Syracuse Univ. (1993)

Anne E. Rowland
Associate Librarian
B.A., College of Wooster; M.L.S., Drexel Univ. (1980)

Peter Russom
Professor, Art
B.A., SUNY Plattsburgh; M.F.A., Univ. of North Carolina (1987)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2008)

Amy Ryan
Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
B.S., SUNY Plattsburgh; Ph.D., Univ. of Virginia (2006)

Stanley Sabin
Lecturer, Sociology
B.A., M.A., SUNY Plattsburgh (2006)

Sutcharit Sakchutchawarn
Assistant Professor, Supply Chain Management and International Business
Ph.D., University of Toledo (2011)

Pretti Samudra
Assistant Professsor, Psychology
B.A., Ph.D., Univ. of Michigan (2017)

Nancy Scanlan-Rathbun
Associate Professor, Nursing
A.D., Clinton Community College; B.A., SUNY Plattsburgh; M.S., Pace Univ. (1985)

Richard Schaefer
Professor, History
B.A., St. Jerome’s College; M.A., Ph.D., Cornell Univ. (2005)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2016)

Sara Schaff
Assistant Professor, English
B.A., Brown University; M.A., University of Michigan (2009)

Harvey Schantz
Professor, Political Science
B.A., Brooklyn College; M.A., Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Univ. (1978)

Heidi Schnackenberg
Professor, Teacher Education
B.M., SUNY Potsdam; Ph.D., Arizona State Univ. (1997)

Nithya Shankar
Assistant Professor, Marketing and Entrepreneurship
B.S., Anna University; M.S. (2008), Ph.D. (2015),  Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Connie Shemo
Professor, History
B.A., Eastern Mennonite Univ.; M.A., Ph.D., SUNY Binghamton (2002)

Denise Simard
Professor, Education
B.S., SUNY Plattsburgh; M.S., Johns Hopkins Univ.; Ph.D., Capella Univ. (2004)

Jonathan R. Slater
Professor, Journalism and Public Relations
B.A., Vassar College; M.P.A., Ph.D., New York Univ. (1987)

Donald Slish
Professor, Biological Sciences
B.S., Univ. of Scranton; Ph.D., Univ. of Cincinnati (1991)

Kyle Smith
Lecturer, Biological Science
B.A., Lake Superior State Univ.; M.A., Michigan State Univ. (2005)

Naveen Somasunderam
Assistant Professor, Mathematics
B.S., Ph.D., University of California; M.S., Ph.D., Oregon State University (2019)

Richard Spindler
Assistant Professor, Mathematics
B.S., Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison; M.S., Univ. of Michigan-Ann Arbor; M.S., Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Ph.D., Univ. of Vermont (2005)

Maureen E. Squires
Associate Professor, Education
B.A., Nazareth College; M.S. Ed.,LeMoyne CollegeC.A.S. & Ed.D., Binghamton Univ. (2011)

Sean Stacy
Assistant Professor, Accounting
M.A. New York University (2011)

Andreas Stamatis
Associate Professor, Sport and Wellness
B.S., Univ. of Piraeus in Athens, Greece; M.B.A., Univ. of Indianapolis; M.S., City University of Seattle; M.S. (2013) and Ph.D., University of Connecticut (2015)

Dean Steria
Lecturer, Accounting
A.A.S., Jefferson Community College; B.S., SUNY at Plattsburgh; M.B.A., Regis Univ. (1999)

Jaroslaw Strzalkowski
Assistant Professor, Economics & Finance
M.A., Warsaw School of Economics, Poland; Ph.D., University of Minnesota (2019)

Edward Sturman
Professor, Psychology
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., York Univ. (2006)

Mila Su
Associate Librarian
B.A., Drew Univ.; M.S.L.S., Clarion Univ. of Pennsylvania; M.S., Pennsylvania State Univ. (2002)

Rajesh Sunasee
Associate Professor, Chemistry
B.A., University of Mauritius; Ph.D., Univ. of Alberta
Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2018)

Norman Taber
Associate Professor, Art
B.F.A., Brigham Young Univ.; M.F.A., Savannah College of Art and Design (1996)

Kelly Theisen
Assistant Professor, Chemistry
B.S, Ohio Wesleyan Univ.; Ph.D., University of Cincinnati (2013)

Malina Thiede
Sr. Assistant Librarian
B.A., Harding Univ.; M.S., Pratt Institute (2014)

James Thomka
Assistant Professor, Earth & Environmental Science
B.S., University of Tennessee; M.S., Auburn University; Ph.D., University of Cincinnati (2015)

Michelle Timmons
Lecturer, Education
B.S., M.S., SUNY Plattsburgh (2004)

Jose Torres-Padilla
Professor, English
B.A., Vassar College; M.F.A., Columbia Univ.; M.A., Ph.D., Univ. of Southern California (1994)

Michelle Toth
Associate Librarian
B.A., Univ. of Toledo; M.L.S., Indiana Univ. (1999)
SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Librarianship (2016)

Luke Tyrell
Assistant Professor, Biology
B.A., University of Wyoming; Ph.D., Purdue University (2017)

 Megan Valentine
Lecturer, Biological Sciences
B.A., Connecticut College; M.A. & Ph.D., University of Vermont (2015)

Terrence Vance
Assistant Professor, Exercise and Nutrition Sciences
M.A., SUNY Stony Brook; Ph.D., Univ. of Connecticut (2015)

Kartik Verma
Lecturer, Economics & Finance
B.A., University of Delhi, India; M.A., Jawaharial Nehru Univ. India; Ph.D., University of Utah (2019)

Karen Volkman
Associate Librarian
B.A., Macalester College; M.I.L.S., Univ. of Michigan (1992)
Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2012)

Michael Walters
Associate Professor, Physics
B.S., Utica College; M.A., Ph.D., Clarkson Univ.

Justin Wampler
Lecturer, Mathematics
B.S., Univ. of Chicago; M.S., Pennsylvania State (1999)

Lisa Wells
Associate Professor, Nursing
B.S., SUNY Plattsburgh; M.S., SUNY Binghamton (1994)

Samantha White
Visiting Scholar, Gender and Women’s Studies
M.S., Univ. of Minnesota-Twin Cities; Ph.D., Rutgers Univ. (2020)

Breea Willingham
Associate Professor, Criminal Justice
B.A., Univ. of Pittsburgh; M.A., Webster Univ.; Ph.D., SUNY Buffalo (2014)

Liou Xie
Associate Professor, Geography
B.A., Beijing Normal Univ.; M.A., Univ. of Hong Kong; Ph.D., Arizona State Univ.

 Yong Yu
Associate Professor, Teacher Education
B.A., Shenyang Teachers College M.A., Delian Foreign Languages Institute; Graduate Diploma, National Institute of Education; Ed.D., Indiana Univ. of Pennsylvania (2011)

Kerri Zappala-Piemme
Assocoate Professor, Ed. Leadership
B.A., Univ. of New Mexico; M.S., Syracuse Univ.; Ph.D., Syracuse Univ. (2001)

Chunnan Zhang
Lecturer, Accounting
M.S., SUNY Buffalo; Ph.D. Temple Univ. (2020)

Shaoqiong Zhao
Assistant Professor, Marketing
Ph.D., Univ. of Wisconsin (2014)