Mar 12, 2025  
Preliminary 2025-2026 University Catalog 1 
Preliminary 2025-2026 University Catalog 1 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Ecology, B.S.

Curriculum 0293 

The B.S. in ecology examines the interactions between organisms and their environment, emphasizing coursework in basic biology and a number of advanced ecology courses at the population, community, and ecosystem level. For more information contact the Center for Earth and Environmental Science . For help with Schedule planning refer to the 4-Year Degree Map .  

Major Departmental Requirements 55-63 Credits

Advanced Ecology: (22-29 cr.)

Ecology Elective

Select any 2-3 courses from the Organismal/Population/Community Ecology or Ecosystems Ecology categories above or from the following if not taken in fulfillment of another requirement:

Mathematics Prerequisite/Placement (0-6 cr.)

Additional Degree Requirements

  1. Completion of all Undergraduate Degree Requirements, including General Education: The Cardinal Core Curriculum, elective courses if applicable, and a total of 120 credits minimum. 
  2. A minimum GPA of 2.0 in Major Departmental Requirements.