Mar 12, 2025
MAT 109 - Statistical Pathways II (3 cr.) Students will understand that data analysis begins with the formulation of a question that can be addressed with appropriate data, followed by the development of a plan for identifying and collecting that data. Students will know how data can be displayed and summarized in informative ways, and they will understand how the data can be used to draw conclusions in the presence of uncertainty. This course will be offered concurrently with Statistical Pathways I. Upon completion of both MAT 108 and 109 students will satisfy the Math Competency requirement, the 5GE Math requirement and the CCC Quantitative Reasoning requirement. Liberal arts Corequisite(s): MAT 108 Cardinal Core Curriculum Category: Quantitative Reasoning SUNY Framework: Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
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