Mar 12, 2025
ENG 101 - College Writing II (3 cr.) Extensive practice in writing and revising through multiple drafts, promoting critical thinking and yielding coherent college-level texts. A minimum of three out-of-class formal assignments, one of which will be an autoethnographic research project. Two additional formal projects are a multimodal presentation on the autoethnography and an annotated, substantive revision of the autoethnography. Students must earn a grade of C (2.0) or better in ENG l0l to meet graduation requirements. (ESL sections are 4 cr and require a weekly recitation session) Liberal Arts Prerequisite(s): C or better in ENG 100 , meets competency standards, or placement by questionnaire. LIB 190 prerequisite or as corequisite, or Sophomore standing. Corequisite(s): LIB 190 prerequisite or as corequisite, or Sophomore standing. Cardinal Core Curriculum Category: Foundational Communication Semester(s) Offered: Fall, Spring
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