Human Development & Family Relations |
• HDF 489 - Washington Internship Institute (3 to 15 cr.)
• HDF 496 - Teaching Practicum (1 to 6 cr.)
• HDF 499 - Independent Study (1 to 3 cr.)
• HDF 599 - Independent Study (1 cr.)
Interdisciplinary Studies |
• INT 101 - Introduction to Judaism (3 cr.)
• INT 104 - Introduction to the World’s Religions (3 cr.)
• INT 107 - Cross-Cultural Conversation (1 cr.)
• INT 120 - Individual Academic & Social Expression (3 cr.)
• INT 190 - Introduction to Legal Studies (3 cr.)
• INT 199 - Independent Study (1 to 15 cr.)
• INT 204 - Academic Communication I (1 cr.)
• INT 205 - Academic Communication II (1 cr.)
• INT 225 - Gospel Choir (0 to 2 cr.)
• INT 299 - Independent Study (1 to 15 cr.)
• INT 303 - Examining Diversity Through Film (3 cr.)
• INT 305 - Food Security and Emergency Interventions (3 cr.)
• INT 314 - Interpreting Popular Culture (3 cr.)
• INT 315 - Religious Interactions in Contemporary U.S. Society (3 cr.)
• INT 316 - Impact of Terrorism, War, Crisis, and Disasters on Health (3 cr.)
• INT 325 - Romance, Sex, Love, and Marriage (3 cr.)
• INT 390 - Interdisciplinary Topics (1 to 3 cr.)
• INT 398 - Internship (1 to 15 cr.)
• INT 399 - Independent Study (1 to 15 cr.)
• INT 402 - Integrative Writing (1 to 3 cr.)
• INT 496 - Teaching Practicum (0 to 3 cr.)
• INT 498 - Internship (1 to 15 cr.)
• INT 499 - Independent Study (1 to 15 cr.)
• INT 599 - Independent Study (1 to 6 cr.)
Italian |
• ITA 111 - Elementary Italian I (0 or 3 cr.)
• ITA 112 - Elementary Italian II (0 or 3 cr.)
• ITA 299 - Independent Study (1 to 15 cr.)
Journalism |
• JOU 110 - Introduction to Journalism (3 cr.)
• JOU 123 - Word Wise (3 cr.)
• JOU 127 - Speaking and Writing for Professionals (3 cr.)
• JOU 199 - Independent Study (1 to 15 cr.)
• JOU 204 - U.S. Media History (3 cr.)
• JOU 206 - Introduction to News Writing (3 cr.)
• JOU 207 - Introduction to Feature Writing (3 cr.)
• JOU 208 - Photojournalism (3 cr.)
• JOU 209 - Grammar and Sentence Writing (3 cr.)
• JOU 212 - Fake News and the Role of a Free Press (3 cr.)
• JOU 240 - Introduction to Audio-Video Production (3 cr.)
• JOU 299 - Independent Study (1 to 15 cr.)
• JOU 303 - Coaching Advanced Oral and Written Skills (3 cr.)
• JOU 305 - Discovering the Hidden Stories of a Community (3 cr.)
• JOU 307 - Journalism: Opinion and Review (3 cr.)
• JOU 308 - Reporting and News Writing (3 cr.)
• JOU 309 - Advanced Feature Writing (3 cr.)
• JOU 310 - Sports Reporting (3 cr.)
• JOU 312 - Journalism Ethics and Law (3 cr.)
• JOU 316 - Digital Publishing (3 cr.)
• JOU 317 - Web Design and Production (3 cr.)
• JOU 318 - Design and Layout (3 cr.)
• JOU 322 - Mass Media Propaganda 1900-1945 (3 cr.)
• JOU 323 - Mass Media Propaganda 1946 - Present (3 cr.)
• JOU 324 - Travel Writing (3 cr.)
• JOU 325 - Journalism Masterpieces (3 cr.)
• JOU 326 - Outdoor Writing (3 cr.)
• JOU 327 - Speech Coaching (3 cr.)
• JOU 360 - Multimedia Storytelling (3 cr.)
• JOU 381 - Topics in Journalism (1 to 3 cr.)
• JOU 399 - Independent Study (1 to 15 cr.)
• JOU 402 - Editorial Newspaper Practicum (1 to 2 cr.)
• JOU 403 - Online Magazine Practicum (1 to 2 cr.)
• JOU 406 - Non-Editorial Newspaper Practicum (1 to 2 cr.)
• JOU 408 - Journalism Senior Seminar (1 cr.)
• JOU 411 - Print Magazine Production (1 to 2 cr.)
• JOU 415 - Multimedia Journalism Production (3 cr.)
• JOU 496 - Instructional Practicum (1 to 3 cr.)
• JOU 497 - Professional Experience (1 to 12 cr.)
• JOU 498 - Internship (1 to 15 cr.)
• JOU 499 - Independent Study (0 to 15 cr.)
• JOU 596 - Instructional Practicum (1 to 3 cr.)
• JOU 599 - Independent Study (1 to 15 cr.)
Latin American Studies |
• LAS 110 - Topics in Inter-American Affairs (3 cr.)
• LAS 111 - Introduction to Latin America (3 cr.)
• LAS 199 - Independent Study (1 to 15 cr.)
• LAS 299 - Independent Study (1 to 15 cr.)
• LAS 330 - The Drug War, Narco-Trafficking & Human Rights in the Americas (3 cr.)
• LAS 344 - Seminar (3 cr.)
• LAS 345 - Latinos/as in the United States (3 cr.)
• LAS 350 - The Global Economy in Latin America: Industry, Labor and the Environment (3 cr.)
• LAS 399 - Independent Study (1 to 15 cr.)
• LAS 444 - Advanced Seminar (3 cr.)
• LAS 459 - Field Study - Organization of American States (1 to 4 cr.)
• LAS 489 - Washington Internship Institute (3 to 15 cr.)
• LAS 498 - Internship (3 to 15 cr.)
• LAS 499 - Independent Study (1 to 15 cr.)
• LAS 599 - Independent Study (1 to 12 cr.)
Latin |
• LAT 199 - Independent Study (1 to 15 cr.)
• LAT 299 - Independent Study (1 to 15 cr.)
• LAT 399 - Independent Study (1 to 15 cr.)
• LAT 499 - Independent Study (1 to 15 cr.)
Leadership |
• MLS 501 - Holistic Leadership: Seminar in Theoretical Foundations (3 cr.)
• MLS 510 - Studies in Leadership Communication (3 cr.)
• MLS 511 - Systems, Change and the Dynamics of Complexity (3 cr.)
• MLS 515 - Leadership Analysis, Thinking and Planning (3 cr.)
• MLS 537 - Leading and Learning in Groups (3 cr.)
• MLS 538 - Brokering Alliances and Networks (3 cr.)
• MLS 544 - Selected Topics in Administration and Leadership (1 to 6 cr.)
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